Para que sirven los chistes


Answer 1
Answer: Los chistes sirven para hacer a la gente reir y alegrar sus vidas
Answer 2
Answer: Para que sirven los chistes in english means to serve the jokes.

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Ayer tú (cantar) una canción. vas a cantar cantaste cantaré cantabas


Ayer tú (cantar) una canción.

Yesterday you (to sing) a song.

Answer: Ayer tú cantaste una canción.

Yesterday you sang a song.

Cantaste is 2nd person singular which matches tú (you).

Omplete the sentence with the correct form of the verb tener. Nosotros (tener) __________ una familia peque?a. When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect. You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed: á é í ó ú ? Á É Í Ó Ú ? ? (1 point)


Nosotros tenemos una familia.

The nosotros form of tener is the same as all the other -er verb endings. Emos, while the rest are irregular, tengo, tiene, tienes, and tienen

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb tener.

Nosotros (tener) __________ una familia pequeña.

Answer : Nosotros tenemos una familia pequeña.

Explanation : The subject in this sentence is "Nosotros", that is a plural, first person, so the verb must agree. Nosotros tenemos.


?______ tu el Valle de Silicio (Silicon Valley)?A.Conozco


I'm pretty sure the correct answer is D, not B.
"Conoces tu el Valle de Silicio" makes more sense than "Sabes tu el Valle de Silicio". By saying "Conoces tu el Valle de Silicio" you are properly asking in Spanish "Do you know of the Silicone Valley?" or "Do you know about the Silicone Valley?"
So I would go with D, and Spanish is my native language.




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