Javier y Ana acaban de casarse y han comprado (they have bought) una casa y muchas otras cosas. Combina sus declaraciones para formar una sola oración con los pronombres relativos que, quien(es) y lo que.1.Tenemos una cafetera nueva. Mi prima nos la regaló.
2.Tenemos una cómoda nueva. Es bueno porque no hay espacio en el armario.
3.Esos platos no nos costaron mucho. Están encima del horno.
4.Esas copas me las regaló mi amiga Amalia. Ella viene a visitarme mañana.
5.La lavadora está casi nueva. Nos la regalaron mis suegros.
6.La vecina nos dio una manta de lana. Ella la compró en Méx


Answer 1

We use Relative Pronouns (Pronombres Relativos) when introducing a clause that describes a previously mentioned noun which is called the antecedent. We use this type of pronouns to connect sentences or phrases, In Spanish, there are four sets of relative pronouns: que, quien,el que, el/la/los/las que and el/la/los/las cual. There is a great variation in the use of them but there are general patterns:

a. Que: This is the most common and the preferred relative pronoun in spoken or informal contexts. This is often used when there is nothing between it and the antecedent and can be used to refer a person, place or thing and means that, which, who, or whom.

b. Quien: It is most often used when there is a preposition or a comma between it and the antecedent. It is commonly used after prepositions like para and con. Its plural form is quienes.

c. el/la/los/las que and el/la/los/las cual: They are less common in spoken speech, though very common in written and more formal contexts. They are used with antecedents that are persons or things and agree in number and person with the antecedent.


In this way, we can use each sentence to write the following paragraph:

Tenemos una cafetera nueva que mi prima nos regaló. También tenemos una cómoda nueva la cual es buena porque no hay espacio en el armario. Adicionalmente, esos platos no nos costaron mucho, los que están encima del horno. Además, esas copas me las regaló mi amiga Amalia quien viene a visitarme mañana. Por otro lado, La lavadora está casi nueva, la que nos regalaron mis suegros. Finalmente, la vecina nos dio una manta de lana lacual compró en Méx.

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Tried my best

Nuestros padres un partido de beisbol ayer



You can use asistieron (attended), fueron (went), o vieron (watched)

Nuestros padres (asistieron) (vieron) (fueron a) un partido de béisbol ayer.


Ayer nosotros ___________ 2.500 pesos.


Ahorramos Its the best anwser
Ayer nosotros  Ahorramos 2.500 pesos 
wich would mean 
Yestrday we earned up 2.500 dollars

Please check my spanish homework?? 1. Which best desribes El Salvador?

A: small, mountainous
B: small, Caribbean coastline
C: large European population <------------------------- (My Answer)
D: largest of the Central American countries

2. Which of these is found in a shopping mall?

A: Centro Commercial Galerias <-------------------- (My Answer)
B: Cuzcatlan
C: La Casona
D: El Salvador del Mundo


1. Which best describes El Salvador?
A: Small, mountainous

2. Which of these is found in a shopping mall?
C. La Casona

The  first question--you picked C. While 86% of the Salvadorean population is from European descent, this is unlike saying that the country has the largest Europen population.

The second question--you picked the actual shopping mall, and not the  place found in the shopping mall. La Casona is located in Centro Comercial Galerias.
El Salvador is B on the first question. As well, for the second question, there is a shopping mall found in D, El Salvador dem Mundo.