Fill in the blank with the appropriate definite article that is missing from the sentence below: Tu pelo está sucio y tienes que lavarte ____ pelo hoy.


Answer 1

Fill in the blank with the appropriate definite article that is missing from the sentence below:​

​Tu pelo está sucio y tienes que lavarte ____ pelo hoy.

Answer : Tu pelo está sucio y tienes que lavarte el pelo hoy.​

Explanation : "pelo" is a masculine singular noun, so its definite article must be masculine singular too. El pelo​.

It would be possible to rewrite the sentence by replacing "el pelo" with a direct object pronoun.​

​ Tu pelo está sucio y tienes que lavártelo hoy.

Hope this helps!​​​​​


Answer 2
Answer: Tu pelo esta sucio y tienes Que lavarte el pelo hoy

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Jaime: Sí, recibí tu correo electrónico.

Answer choices:


Right answer: recibiste

This is a conversation between two persons, Carla and Jaime.

Where Carla makes a question in past, we know this because of the word ayer (yesterday) at the beginning of the sentence and because the verb mandar (to send) is written in past as mandé (I sent):

Ayer te mandé un correo electrónico (Yesterday I sent you an email)

Now, if you send something to someone, that thing must be received. Therefore, the correct verb is recibiste in past.

The complete conversation is:

Carla: Ayer te mandé un correo electrónico. ¿(Tú) Lo recibiste?

Yesterday I sent you an email. Did you receive it?

Jaime: Sí, recibí tu correo electrónico.

Yes, I received your email

The options mandaste (you sent), recibieron (you received - in plural) and mandaron (you sent - in plural) are incorrect because although are in past tense they do not match with the personal pronoun of the sentence, which is tú (you).


D. Recibiste


I did the test and got it right!

Hope this helps!
Have a great day!

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b. Andalucia
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NOTA Question 1 with 1 blankLa señora Gandía va a tener un hijo en septiembre. Está embarazada. Question 2 with 1 blankManuel tiene la temperatura muy alta. Tiene fiebre . Question 3 with 1 blankA Rosita le recetaron un antibiótico y le van a poner una medicina. Question 4 with 1 blankA Pedro le cayó una mesa en el pie. El pie le duele mucho. Question 5 with 1 blankDurante la primavera, mi tía estornuda mucho y está muy enferma. Question 6 with 1 blankTienes que llevar la nota a la farmacia para que te vendan (in order for them to sell you) la medicina. Question 7 with 1 blankLe tomaron una radiografia de la pierna para ver si se le rompió el hueso. Question 8 with 1 blankLas consecuencias de un resfriado son los estornudos y la tos.

Choose the correct form of the adjective that agrees with the noun. Ella esta...Bonito

Appreciate ya! :)








Ella is feminine and singular, so you have to choose the form that is feminine and singular

Could some one help me with this im so confused 1. Which of these animals is the longest
A. la tortuga <--- my answer
B. la orca
C. el cangrejo
2. ________ arena es bonita
A. esto
B. esta <---- my answer
C. este
3. which of these animals is the biggest
A. orca
B. la tortuga
C. el delfin <--- my answer
fill in the blank
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5. fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjective
_________ chicas so alumnas (those)
6. En espanol un, "dolphin" es el_____
fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjective


1. Right answer:

B. la orca

The longest animal between these options is la orca that translates into killer whale, which is a toothed whale that belongs to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member. This is the longest from the options, because tortuga means turtle and cangrejo means crab, that are smaller than killer whale.

2. Right answer:

B. esta

Esta is a demonstrative adjective. These adjectives demonstrate a quality about the noun they modify. Here that quality is the location in respect to the speaker or the listener. Esta comes from este and is used to point out something near to the speaker in space or time. We use esta instead of este because the noun arena is given in feminine form and recall that adjectives must match the nouns they describe in both gender and number. Finally:

Esta arena es bonita

3. Right answer:

A. orca

In this problem, just as in 1, we also have killer whale and turtle as options. The only change in this exercise is dolphin (delfín). So it is obvious that killer whale is the biggest animal from the list. So this animal has a considerable size and extent, or intensity

4. Right answer:


In English, el tiburón is the shark that is a very large fish with sharp teeth living in the ocean. This animal has a cartilaginous skeleton, a prominent dorsal fin, and toothlike scales. Most sharks are predatory, although the largest kinds feed on plankton. In another order of ideas, tiburón is a masculine singular noun, so the matching definite article is el

5. Right answer:


Esas is a demonstrative adjective that comes from ese and indicates something more distant, that is, nouns that are further from the speaker but they can be close to the listener. Moreover, esas is the feminine plural form of ese. This is being used here because chicas is a feminine plural noun.

6. Right answer:


Dolphin translates into delfín and is a large sea animal, similar to a fish, with a long nose. Moreover, this animal ha a beaklike snout and a curved fin on the back. These animals are better known for their sociable nature and high intelligence. In another order of ideas, delfín is a masculine singular noun, so the matching definite article is el.

1) the first one is orca.
2) este
3) an orca is bigger