Increasing the ? of a solvent increases the solubility of the solute


Answer 1
Answer: There are a lot of ways to increase the solubility of the solute. Increasing the temperature, mixing time and surface area of a solvent increases the solubility of the solute
Answer 2

The answer is temperature

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ENRICHMENT WORKSHEET INTEGRATING Jesse Owens in the 100 Meter Dash Read the following paragraph and complete the exercises below. Jesse Owens was an outstanding American athlete who held or shared several world records in track and field. He won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. One of these medals was for the 100 m dash, in which Owens tied the Olympic record with a time of 10.3 s. Exercises 1. Using the data in the first two columns of the table below, plot a graph of distance versus time for a sprinter in the 100 m dash. Timeout distance I Average speed A0/55 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 100 4 10 18 27 37 48 59 71 83 96 100 Distance (m) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 MATHEMATICS 10- 0 AS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (s) ÷ 2. Look at the graph, and identify the point where the graph appears to have the steepest slope. Describe what this tells you about the motion of the sprinter.​



Therefore, the steepest slope in the graph indicates that the sprinter is experiencing a rapid increase in speed during the early stages of the race. This suggests that Jesse Owens had a powerful start and was able to accelerate quickly in the 100m dash.


Based on the graph provided, the point where the graph appears to have the steepest slope is around the 2-second mark.

The steep slope in the graph represents the sprinter's acceleration during the initial phase of the race. In the 100m dash, sprinters aim to reach their top speed as quickly as possible. The steeper the slope, the faster the sprinter is accelerating.

Which ion was formed by providing the second ionization energy to remove an electron? Ca2+ N3– Fe3+ S2–





                           Ionization energy is defined as the minimum amount of energy required to knock out the electron from valence shell of an atom in its gaseous state. While, second Ionization energy is defined as the amount of energy required to knock out the second electron from an ion containing +1 charge in gaseous state.

                            Among given options Ca²⁺ is the correct choice because the calcium has lost two electrons i.e. first electron was removed by providing first ionization energy i.e.

                                       Ca  +  1st IE    →    Ca¹⁺  +  1 e⁻

and second electron is was removed by providing second ionization energy i.e.

                                     Ca ¹⁺  +  2nd IE    →    Ca²⁺  +  1 e⁻

\boxed{{\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^{{\text{2 + }}}}} is formed by providing the second ionization energy to remove an electron.

Further Explanation:

The energy that is needed to remove the most loosely bound valenceelectrons from the isolated neutral gaseous atom is known as the ionization energy. It is denoted by IE. The value of IE is related to the ease of removing the outermost valence electrons. If these electrons are removed so easily, small ionization energy is required and vice-versa. It is inversely proportional to the size of the atom.

Ionization energy is further represented as first ionization, second ionization and so on. When the first electron is removed from a neutral, isolated gaseous atom, the energy needed for the purpose is known as the first ionization energy, written as {\text{I}}{{\text{E}}_{\text{1}}}. Similarly, when the second electron is removed from the positively charged species (cation), the ionization energy is called the second ionization energy \left( {{\text{I}}{{\text{E}}_{\text{2}}}} \right) and so on.

The neutral atom corresponding to {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )} is calcium. If second ionization energy is supplied to calcium atom, it results in the removal of two electrons and thus{\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )}  is formed. So {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )} can be formed by providing second ionization energy. to the neutral atom.

The neutral atom corresponding to {{\text{N}}^(3 - )} is nitrogen. If second ionization energy is supplied to nitrogen, it results in the formation of{{\text{N}}^(2 + )}, not {{\text{N}}^(3 - )}. So {{\text{N}}^(3 - )} cannot be formed by providing the second ionization energy to the neutral atom.

The neutral atom corresponding to {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(3 + )} is iron. If second ionization energy is supplied to the iron atom, it results in the formation of {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(2 + )}, not {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(3 + )}. So  {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(3 + )} cannot be formed by providing the second ionization energy to the neutral atom.

The neutral atom corresponding to {{\text{S}}^(2 - )} is sulfur. If second ionization energy is supplied to the sulfur atom, it results in the formation of {{\text{S}}^(2 + )}, not {{\text{S}}^(2 - )}. So {{\text{S}}^(2 - )} cannot be formed by providing the second ionization energy to the neutral atom.

Therefore, the only ion that can be formed by supplying the second ionization energy is {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )}.

Learn more:

1. Which is the oxidation-reduction reaction:

2. What is the mass of 1 mole of viruses:

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Periodic classification of elements

Keywords: second ionization energy, Ca2+, N3-, Fe3+, S2-, IE1, IE2, first electron, second electron, neutral atom., nitrogen, calcium, iron, sulfur.

At STP 10 grams of CO can be dissolved in 3 L of water. Calculate the solubility of carbon monoxide at 200kPa.


moles CO = 10 g x 1mol 28g = 0.357 moles in 3 L = 0.119 mol/L at STP 
P1/n1 = P2/n2 
101.325 kPa/0.119 = 200 kPa/n2 
n2 = 0.235 moles/L = 0.235mol x 28g/mol = 6.6g/L (assuming no change in temp) 

Answer : The solubility of carbon monoxide gas at pressure 200 kPa is, 6.579 g/L

Explanation :

According top the Henry's Law, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.

S\propto P




S_1 = initial solubility of gas = (10g)/(3L)

S_2 = final solubility of gas = ?

P_1 = initial pressure of gas = 101.325 kPa (at STP)

P_2 = final pressure of gas = 200 kPa

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get the final solubility of the gas.



Therefore, the solubility of carbon monoxide gas at pressure 200 kPa is, 6.579 g/L

Write the name of each of the following Ionic Compounds: Ba3(PO4)2 , MgSO4 , PbO2


1. Barium phosphate
2. Magnesium sulphate
3. Lead(IV) oxide

Final answer:

Ba3(PO4)2 is Barium Phosphate, MgSO4 is Magnesium Sulfate, and PbO2 is Lead (IV) Oxide or Plumbic Oxide.


The Ionic Compounds you have mentioned are named as follows:

  • Ba3(PO4)2 is named Barium Phosphate.
  • MgSO4 is named Magnesium Sulfate.
  • PbO2 is named Lead (IV) Oxide or Plumbic Oxide. Always remember for ionic compounds containing transition metals (like Pb), we have to indicate the charge of the cation.

Learn more about Ionic Compounds here:

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The configuration is 1s2 . Hope I answered and helped out! :) 