3. Problem 5. A digital computer has a memory unit with 24 bits per word. The instruction set consists of 150 different operations. All instructions have an operation code part (opcode) and an address part (allowing for only one address). Each instruction is stored in one word of memory. a. How many bits are needed for the opcode? b. How many bits are left for the address part of the instruction? c. What is the maximum allowable size for memory? d. What is the largest unsigned binary number that can be accommodated in one word of memory?


Answer 1

The number of bits that are needed for this operation code (opcode) is 8 bits.

What is binary encoding?

Binary encoding can be defined as a standard technique that is designed and developed for converting data in plain text (source alphabets) to a form that is easily used by different operating systems (OS), especially through the use of a binary digit (bit) or two-symbol system.

How to calculate the number of bits.

The number of bits that are needed for this operation code (opcode) is given by this mathematical expression:

2^n > 150\n\n2^8 > 150\n\n256 > 150

n = 8 bits.

b. To determine the number of bits that are left for the address part of the instruction:

  • Opcode, O, I = 8 bits.
  • Instruction size = 24 bits.

Address = I-O\n\nAddress =24-8

Address = 16 bits.

c. To determine the maximum allowable size for memory:

Based on the memory unit, this is given by 2^(16)* 24

d. The largest unsigned binary number that can be accommodated in one word of memory is given by: 2^(24)-1

Read more on binary encoding here: brainly.com/question/5381889

Answer 2


a) 8 bits b) 16 bits. c) 2¹⁶ * 24 bits d) 2²⁴ -1


a) In order to be able to accommodate 150 different instructions, the number of bits needed must be equal to the minimum power of 2 that satisfies this equation:

2n > 150, i.e. n=8.  

b) If the total number of bits for a word is 24, and 8 are used for the op code, there are 16 bits left for the address part.

c) If the address part has 16 bits, this means that the total addressable space is just 2¹⁶, so the maximum allowable size is 2¹⁶ * 24 bits.

d) As we have 24 bits to be filled, the largest unsigned binary number is just 2²⁴ – 1.

(As we need to leave a position for all zeros).

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void f1(int array, int size);

void f1(int& array, int size);

void f1(int array[100], int size);

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All of the above

C and D

A and B




Option: void f1(float array[], int size);

is valid.


To pass an array as argument in a function, the syntax should be as follows:

functionName (type arrayName[ ] )

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Direct access storage device.


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Following are the code to this question:

public class Pig //Defining class Pig


private String name; //Defining string variable name

private int age; // Defining integer variable age

private double weight; // Defining double variable weight

Pig (String name, int age, double weight)  //Defining parameterized constructor  


super(); //using super key

this.name = name; //holding value in name variable

this.age = age;  // holding value in age variable

this.weight = weight; // holding value in weight variable


String getName() //Defining method getName


return name; //return name value


void setName(String name) // Defining method setName    


this.name = name; //hold name value


int getAge() // Defining method getAge


return age; //return value


void setAge(int age) // Defining method setAge  


this.age = age; // hold age value


double getWeight()  //Defining method getWeight


return weight; //return weight value


void setWeight(double weight) //Defining method setWeight  


this.weight = weight; //hold weight value


void display() //Defining method display


System.out.println("Name:" + name + " Age:" + age + " Weight:" + weight); //print value


public static void main(String[] ar) //Defining main method


Pig onc = new Pig("Jig",5,14.5); //creating class object and called parameterized constructor  

onc.display();//calling display method




please find the attachment.


In the given java program, a class "Pig" is declared, in which three name, age, and weight is defined which differs in datatypes, in the next step, parameterized constructor, get and set method, and display method declared, which can be described as follows:

  • In the parameterized constructor, uses super and this keyword to call and holds parameter value.  
  • In the get method three methods "getName, getAge, and getWeight" are defined, that return method values, and the set method "setName, setAge, and setWeight" uses this keyword to hold value in its variables.
  • The display method is used to print all method store values by its variables name.
  • Inside the main method, class object "onc" is created, which stores the value in it and calls the display method that print value with a message.

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Its A Dynamic Web Page


The market is in
until the price of goods reflects equal supply and demand.


Supply and demand us an economic model of price determination in a market if demand increses and supply remains unchanged then it leads to higher equalibrium price and higher quantity if demand decreases s and supply remains unchanged then it lead to lower equilibrium price and lower quantity hope this helps XD

. In Stack we can access elements from both ends

o True

o False





The answer is False. In Stacks, we can access only the top element present in the stack. Stack is the collection of elements which follow LIFO ( Last In First Out ) which means the last element inserted in the stack is the first element to  out. Stack has restriction that only the element which is present at the top called as top element is only accessible. That means only the top element can be inserted and deleted.