If you are looking for a keyboard to project from a device to a flat surface, which of the following would you use?


Answer 1
Answer: a virtual keyboard perhaps

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See explaination


Taking a look at the The Logic function, which states that an output action will become TRUE if either one “OR” more events are TRUE, but the order at which they occur is unimportant as it does not affect the final result. For example, A + B = B + A.

Alternatively the Most significant bit which is also known as the alt bit, high bit, meta bit, or senior bit, the most significant bit is the highest bit in binary.

See the attached file for those detailed logic functions designed with relation to the questions asked.

. A file allocation table (FAT) is used to keep track of the portions assigned to a file. Select one: True False


Answer: True

Explanation: File allocation table(FAT) is the part of the file system that helps the hard drives .It is used for the management of the files and data which gets stored in the hard drive  by the operating system. It can also help in the extension or expansion of the hard drive storage.

It also keeps tracing the files and data accordingly. This table works for the  portable devices ,cameras etc. Thus, the statement given is true.

Define a function below called average_strings. The function takes one argument: a list of strings. Complete the function so that it returns the average length of the strings in the list. An empty list should have an average of zero. Hint: don't forget that in order to get a string's length, you need the len function.


The required code written in python 3 which returns the average of the strings in a list goes thus :

def average_strings(string_list):


total_length = 0


if len(string_list)==0:

#checksofthe stringisempty

return 0


for word in string_list :

total_length += len(word)

#addthelength ofeachstringtothetotallengthofthe string.

return total_length / len(string_list)


A sample run of the function is given here and the output attached.

string_list = ['dog', 'cat', 'mouse']


Learn more :brainly.com/question/15352352


def average_strings(lst):

   total = 0

   if len(lst) == 0:

       return 0

   for s in lst:

       total += len(s)

   return total / len(lst)


Create a function called average_strings that take one parameter, lst

Initialize a total to hold the length of the strings in lst

If the length of lst is 0, return 0

Otherwise create a for loop that iterates through the lst. Calculate the length of each string in lst and add it to total

When the loop is done, return the average, total length of the strings divided by length of the lst

One author states that Web-based software is more likely to take advantage of social networking (Web 2.0) approaches such as wikis and blogs. If this is the case, can we expect more social networking capabilities in all future software? Aside from LinkedIn, how can social media be leveraged by CIT graduates?





I will say Yes. There are very much limitless possible and future we can expect from social media and even more from social networking. Its capabilities from upcoming software in the future. Since the Internet is in its early days of growing and cloud computing being introduced there are way more possibilities in the future.

Social media can be duely applied by CIT (Computer Information Technologies) graduates. It can be used to improve them in their career and also will helps them connect professionally. Quora is one such platform which is not exactly like LinkedIn but pretty much serves the purpose.

What is the function of control unit? in computer.


regulates and integrates the operations of the computer. It selects and retrieves instructions from the main memory in proper sequence and interprets them

What is the magnitude of the largest positive value you can place in a bool? a char? an int? a float?



A bool can hold only true or false values.

A char can hold maximum 65535 characters.

An int can hold maximum positive value of 2,147,483,647.

A float can hold maximum positive value of 3.4 x 10^{38}.


Primitive data types in Java language can be categorized into boolean and numeric data types.

Numeric can be divided further into floating point and integral type. Floating data type includes float and double values while and integral data type which consists of char, int, short, long and byte data types.

Every data type has a range of values it can hold, i.e., every data type has a minimum and maximum predefined value which it is allowed to hold. The intermediate values fall in the range of that particular data type.

Any value outside the range of that particular data type will not compile and an error message will be displayed.

The data types commonly used in programming are boolean, char, int and float.

A boolean variable can have only two values, true or false.

A char variable can hold from 0 to 65535 characters. Maximum, 65535 characters are allowed in a character variable. At the minimum, a char variable will have no characters or it will be a null char variable, having no value.

An int variable has the range from minimum -2^{31} to maximum 2^{31} – 1. Hence, the maximum positive value an int variable can hold is (2^{31}) – 1.

A float variable can hold minimum value of 1.4 x 10^{-45} and maximum positive value of 3.4 x 10^{38}.

The above description relates to the data types and their respective range of values in Java language.

The values for boolean variable remain the same across all programming languages.

The range of values for char, int and float data types are different in other languages.