Use the STL class vector to write a C function that returns true if there are two elements of the vector for which their product is odd, and returns false otherwise. Provide a formula on the number of scalar multiplications in terms of n, the size of the vector, to solve the problem in the best and worst cases. Describe the situations of getting the best and worst cases, give the samples of the input at each case and check if your formula works. What is the classification of the algorithm in the best and worst cases in terms of the Big-O notation


Answer 1


Code is provided in the attachment form


Vector Multiplication code:

Vector_multiplication.c file contains C code.

See attachment no 1 attached below

Classification of Algorithm: For creating elements in vector c of size n, number of scalar  multiplications is equal to n. The size of original two vectors scales directly with the number of  operations. Hence, it is classified as O(n).

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The answer is "O(n2)"


The worst case is the method that requires so many steps if possible with compiled code sized n. It means the case is also the feature, that achieves an average amount of steps in n component entry information.

  • In the given code, The total of n integers lists is O(n), which is used in finding complexity.
  • Therefore, O(n)+O(n-1)+ .... +O(1)=O(n2) will also be a general complexity throughout the search and deletion of n minimum elements from the list.

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D is the answer


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Host A and B are communicating over a TCP connection, and Host B has already received from A all bytes up through byte 126. Suppose Host A then sends two segments to Host B back-to-back. The first and second segments contain 80 and 40 bytes of data, respectively. In the first segment, the sequence number is 127, the source port number is 302, and the destination port number is 80. Host B sends an acknowledgment whenever it receives a segment from Host A. In the second segment sent from Host A to B, what are the sequence number, source port number, and destination port number?



sequence number = 207

source port number = 302

destination port number = 80


The sequence number is 127 + 80 = 207

The source port number is 302, and the destination port number is 80.