Which of the given original work is protected by the copyright lawNBC logo

Monsanto’s generically modified seeds

BMW logo

The fault in our starts by John green


Answer 1


The fault in our starts by john green


"The fault in our start" is a novel that is written by John Green. It is the only thing that is protected and can be protected unver the law of copyright.

because only written things can be protected by copyright law such as, books, stories, novels.

Rest of the things in list such as logos are protected under the law of trademark not copyright.

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This is science they just dont have the subject buy anyways describe interactions you have with the environment that you depend on to meet your basic needs   

hope u can help  


The environment helps us with many many hings thing. The most obvious plants helps us breath and we help them grow because we have the exact opposite breathing pattern. Animals poop almost anywhere they want and farms use it as fertilizer. I hope this enough to help you. Good luck with your work!!
I believe you could technically categorize this as Biology, if another problem arises in the future.

To start off, as has been stated already, there is a cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide that loops between us and plants. Plants take in the CO2 we breath out, and we take in the O2 they expel. 

Another basic necessity is shelter. We use many parts of our environment to house ourselves, from wooden frames to stone masonry. The shelters we build depend on the amount of the given resource found in nature. 

What we eat is entirely dependent of nature. We eat what the environment provides. The beef, pork, beans, vegetables, and fruits are all products of the environment. 

I hope this gives more insight into how we interact with the environment to fulfill basic needs.

What is the relationship between privacy, freedom and security?


freedom implies privacy

privacy requires security

or something along those lines. Don't confuse security with privacy. You can share someones private data in a secure way, but that doesn't make it OK!

Write a program to enter a number and test if it is greater than 45.6.if the number entered is greater than 45.6 the program needs to out the phrase Greater than 45.6



#include<stdio.h>                        //header file

int main()                                      //main function


float num;                                   // variable declaration

printf("Enter a number to test:\n");   // getting variable for test

scanf("%f", &num);

if (num>45.6)                                    //Testing weather greater or smaller

printf("\n %f is greater than 45.6", num);  // Result if greater


printf("\n %f is not greater than 45.6", num);  // Result if smaller or equal

return 0;



  • First of all , a variable will be declared in float (data type ).
  • User will input data in variable.
  • The variable will be compared using logical operator with 45.6
  • If it is greater, A phrase will be passed that number is greater than 45.6
  • Else if the number will not greater the phrase will say that the number is not greater than 45.6

1)A Jr. web designer wants todesign a webpage to enter the
employee name, address. He
needs a button to clear the form

content and submit the data.

Write the different controls he
will use to create the web


State the tags to be used for

the controls.



The Controls need to create the website are:

1) Text

2) button

Tags to be used for the Controls:

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">


   <label>Employee Name

     <input type="text" name="employeename" id="employeename" />





     <input type="text" name="address" id="address" />




   <input type="reset" name="clear" id="clear" value="Clear" />

   <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />




What is the remainder of quotient of of 79 divide by  8


The answer is 9 remainder of 7 cause 8 divided by 79 first u figure out wat num is close to 79 which is 8 times 9= 72 so it's going to be a remainder of 7

What happens when powering up a newly constructed system without any software installed? 1. blue screen
2.Microsoft Windows splash screen
3. Nothing
4. a power on self-test appears



3. Nothing


Nothing happens in actuality. The BIOS comes with built in code that is good enough to start the computer, and it checks if there is any operating system already installed on the hard disk, and it can even detect the hard disk. If it finds nothing, then you will get a message that no OS has been found.

And as you add an installation disk to your PC for OS installation, then the BIOS executes the installation process and you will be using the keyboard and the mouse for getting the installation done. And once this is done, you will have the windows or Linux installed on your computer. You can also get installed FreeBSD or the Solaris. You can consider it as an expensive stone placed over a table without the OS.


It will actually show a message


The message says something like no boot able device insert disk and press any key.