How might the post-war reform movements in the British and French colonies have been different if they occurred today?


Answer 1

Reformers would not have demanded change because British and French economies are more stable

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B. Germany. The clause aimed blame at Germany for causing WW1. It reads: "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies."

B. Germany

The War Guilt clause of the Treaty of Versailles was assigned to Germany.

Germany had to sign the war guilt clause which meant they had to take full responsibility for the war. This clause put high reparations on Germany and a forced demilitarization of the country's armed forces. Germany would become demoralized as a result of the war guilt clause and is often referenced as the reason for the rise of Hitler and World War II.

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As a result of changes in British policy during the late 1600s, the American colonies. A.made their own trade and political decisions.
B.were not allowed to spend money on British goods.
C.were not allowed to manufacture many kinds of finished goods.


The correct answer is A) made their own trade and political decisions.

As a result of changes in British policy during the late 1600s, the American colonies made their own trade and political decisions.

The American families in the colonies began to grow in size and learned how to work in the fields to grow crops. Due to the policies and differences with the mandate of the monarchy of Great Britain, people in the colonies of America decided to prosper by themselves. They increase trade and made their own political decisions that affected their colonies because they really knew what was needed there.

A.made their own trade and political decisions. 

How did the draft change in 1969


Answer: An amendment to the Military Selective Service Act of 1967 established conscription based on random selection (lottery).


On November 26, 1969, President Richard Nixon signed the Selective Service Act of 1948 that instituted conscription based on a lottery system. The Selective Service System of the United States carried two lotteries that same year to decide the order of call to military service in the Vietnam War. It was the first time a lottery system had been used to select troops for military service since 1942.

In 1969, significant changes were made to the draft system in the United States due to opposition and controversy surrounding the Vietnam War.

The draft changes

The draft lottery system was introduced, randomly assigning draft numbers to eligible men based on their birthdates. This replaced the previous practice of selective service and aimed to introduce fairness and reduce bias in the draft process.

Additionally, student deferments, which had previously exempted college students from the draft, were largely ended, subjecting them to potential conscription. These changes were made in response to concerns about the fairness of the draft system and the disproportionate burden on certain segments of the population.

Read more on the draft here


What is Nunavut? a language that is no longer spoken on the North American continent
a multicultural society
a province in Greenland where no one lives
a territory formed to provide a land for Canada's Inuit population


Nunavut is "a multicultural society" although its population is incredibly small due to the fact that it is located so far north in Canada that the climate is very harsh and it is very isolated. 


A territory formed to provide a land for Canada's Inuit population.