In a survey, asking whether or not unemployed people should be allowed to get "free money" from the government could be an example of:Apex learning


Answer 1
Answer: question-wording bias 
Answer 2

Question-wording bias

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What does it mean when we say two things are correlated, and what are positive and negative correlations.(Ap Psychology)



When two things are correlated, it means that the two variables have a relationship in which the variables affect one another.

When we talk about positive correlations, it means that the variables vary in the same direction (it shows an upward trend when graphed). For example, increased exercise and muscle gain are positively correlated. If you INCREASE exercise, muscle gains will INCREASE.

On the other hand, increased exercise and fat gain are negatively correlated. If you INCREASE exercise, fat gain is DECREASED. Negative correlations will have a downward trend when graphed.

Hope this helps!


If two things are negatively correlated, as one increases, the other decreases. As one decreases, the other increasese

According to the article “Multiple Intelligences,” what makes simultaneous teaching to all of Gardner’s theorized intelligences possible? A. multimedia
B. better teachers
C. newer schools
D. school psychologists


The correct answer for the given question above would be option A. According to the article “Multiple Intelligences,” it is MULTIMEDIA that makes simultaneous teaching to all of Gardner’s theorized intelligences possible. Multimedia is the use of more than one means of communication. Hope this answer helps.


it is a


on e202

Why do you think organizational skills might
alleviate stress and give you more freedom?


Being organized makes it easier for you to carry out task. It alletivates the need for you steer about finding something that is lost.

Final answer:

Organizational skills help reduce stress by helping you manage your time and tasks more effectively. This results in more personal freedom, as a well-organized schedule can free up time for your own interests or relaxation.


Organizational skills are intrinsically linked to stress management and the perception of personal freedom. When you organize your time and resources effectively, you reduce the amount of stress you experience from feeling overwhelmed or unprepared, and this gives you more freedom to engage in activities that are meaningsful or enjoyable to you.

For example, if you plan your weekly schedule ahead of time, incorporating dedicated slots for work, leisure and self-care activities, you will likely find that your stress levels decrease. This is because you will be less preoccupied with trying to remember or manage all of your obligations and will be confident in your ability to complete tasks in a timely manner. Furthermore, productive organization can allow you to better control your schoolwork or other responsibilities, giving you morefreedom to spend your time how you choose.

Learn more about Organizational Skills here:


Compare and contrast the hominids australopithecus and homo erectus


Humans are members of the genus Homo click this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced. Modern people are Homo sapiens click this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced. However, we are not the only species of humans who have ever lived. There were earlier species of our genus that are now extinct. In the past, it was incorrectly assumed that human evolution was a relatively straightforward sequence of one species evolving into another. We now understand that there were times when several species of humans and even other hominins were alive. This complex pattern of evolution emerging from the fossil record has been aptly described as a luxuriantly branching bush on which all but one twig has died off. Modern humans are that last living twig. Complicating this evolutionary history even more is the realization that our ancestors very likely mated successfully with members of other closely related species from time to time. As a consequence, our inherited gene pool was enriched by added genetic diversity. This sort of genetic mixing has recently been documented for Neandertals and early modern Homo sapiens living 40-60,000 years ago. It is also likely that there were genetic bottle necking events that periodically reduced our diversity. That largely accounts for the fact that despite our huge human population today, we are remarkably similar genetically compared to other primate species. It also explains why we are now the only surviving hominin species.

The striking similarities in appearance between the human genus Homo and our ancestors, the genus Australopithecus click this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced, is sufficient reason to place us both into the same biological tribe (Hominini click this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced). Both genera are bipedal and habitually upright in posture. Humans have been somewhat more efficient at this mode of locomotion. Like australopithecines click this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced, early humans were light in frame and relatively short. They were only about 3 ft. 4 in. to 4 ft. 5 in. tall (100-235 cm) and weighed around 70 pounds (32 kg) The evolution of larger bodies occurred later in human evolution. The differences between australopithecines and early humans are most noticeable in the head. Humans developed significantly larger brains and relatively smaller faces with progressively smaller teeth and jaws. In addition, humans became ever more proficient in developing cultural technologies to aid in their survival, while the australopithecines did not.

One of the best physical indicators of exposure to prenatal androgens isA) head size.
B) the ratio between the second and fourth digits on the hand.
C) the ratio of hand and foot size.
D) amount of body hair.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B) the ratio between the second and fourth digits on the hand." One of the best physical indicators of exposure to prenatal androgens is the ratio between the second and fourth digits on the hand.

Which approach would be most likely to explain behaviors in terms of learned associations between two stimuli? Responses cognitive


Behavioral is the answer.