Pressing ____ in the middle of a numbered list creates a new numbered paragraph and automatically renumbers the remainder of the list.a.[Enter]


Answer 1


Option a is the correct answer.


In an MS-WORD Document, when the user wants to write some line with the help of bullets or numbers then he needs to press enter when he had completed the first line and wants to proceed for the second line.

The question scenario also suggests the same which is described above. Hence Enter will fill the blank of the question statement. Hence Option 'a' is the correct answer while the other is not because--

  • Option b suggests about 'control' key, which is used to select or copy or cut if any other key is pressed with it.
  • Option c suggests about 'ESC' key, which is an escape key used to escape some process.
  • Option d suggest 'ALT' key, which is not used in MS-WORD Document for any purpose.

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This person is essentially the group leader and is responsible for managing the production from start to finish. The producer develops the project from the initial idea, makes sure the script is finalized, arranges the financing and manages the production team that makes the film

The director is primarily responsible for overseeing the shooting and assembly of a film. While the director might be compared to a novel's author as a film's primary visionary, he or she would not be able to make the film without the help of numerous other artists and technicians.

In fact, the notion of the director as an author is misleading because it assumes the director, like an author, does everything. A director works at the center of film production, but is inextricably linked with dozens of other people who get the job done together.


While the dialogue in a film may seem natural to the viewer, a writer carefully crafts it; however, the screenwriter does far more than provide dialogue for the actors. He or she also shapes the sequence of events in a film to ensure that one scene transitions to the next so that the story will unfold logically and in an interesting way.

Like the producer, the screenwriter's role is generally overlooked by the movie-going public, yet is essential to the completion of any film. If there is no script, there is no movie.


Before one inch of film is shot, the production designer is the first artist to translate the script into visual form. He or she creates a series of storyboards that serve as the film's first draft.

A storyboard is a series of sketches on panels that shows the visual progression of the story from one scene to the next. Creating this sketch of the film on storyboards also ensures the visual continuity of the film from start to finish. Storyboards serve as the director's visual guide throughout the production and will be a template to follow during the editing process.


Before one inch of film is shot, the production designer is the first artist to translate the script into visual form. He or she creates a series of storyboards that serve as the film's first draft.

A storyboard is a series of sketches on panels that shows the visual progression of the story from one scene to the next. Creating this sketch of the film on storyboards also ensures the visual continuity of the film from start to finish. Storyboards serve as the director's visual guide throughout the production and will be a template to follow during the editing process.


What is improving performance and striving for a better career an example of?


The answer is work ethic. This a certainty that hard work and industry have an ethical advantage and an intrinsic talent, asset or worth to reinforce personality. Social ingrainment of this value is measured to improve character over hard work that is own to a person’s field of work.

Peter has recently bought a media player and a digital camera. He wants to buy a memory card for these devices. Which memory device should Peter use in his digital camera and media player?


The answer is a Flash drive or better, an SD card

An SD card is a non-volatile memory use mostly in portable devices such as cameras, phones and other mobile solutions like tablets. They are capable of being a life in certain situations. They store all your documents, pictures, and photos in rows of tiny memory chips. In general, most modern consumer cameras use either Compact Flash or SD cards.

An SD card.

This will fit into his camera: when he takes photos, they will be captured on it.
And his media player should have an SD card access point for him to view his photos

What are the 7 basic components found in a computer tower


1. Motherboard (you plug all other components to it)
2. Processor (CPU)
3. Memory (RAM)
4. Graphics card
5. Sound card (sometimes integrated with motherboard)
6. Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
7. Power supply unit
1.CPU(central processing unit) this is the brain of the computer
2.Ram( Random Acess Memory) this determines how much memory your computer can process at one time
3.Motherboard(this holds almost all the major computer componets and transfers all the info
4.Hard drive this holds all your programs, info etc.
5. Power Source, provides power to the whole computer
6 Graphics/Video card.(Optional) this helps with video games
7.disk drive optional if you want to upload a computer base
8. cooling system, if you want your computer to last. a long time it is vital to have a cooling system
9.A frame ,hold all the parts. together.

Having a positive work ethic means acceptingconstructive criticism even though it may be
painful. You should: (select all that apply)
show a positive facial expression.
maintain eye contact
not interrupt or speak until you are sure the
other person is finished making a point
question the person frequently throughout the



123 and the next one is all of them



2 and 3 (1 is debatable)


The strategy of using of social media to reach consumers will probably work best for _______, because they were born into a world that was already full of electronic gadgets and digital technologies such as the Internet and social networks. quizet



Generation Z


The Internet and Social media became mainstream in the early 1990s, which is the same year range the Generation Z were born. By the time the internet and social gained immense popularity through the introduction of smartphones and social media apps, the Generation Z have fully adopted these platforms for connecting with family and friends, stay up-to-date with current affairs, research and review products and services and stay up to date with entertainment trends. They can hardly do anything without the Internet and social media, this is a reason why it is an effective strategy of using social media to reach consumers.