What do they reveal about the Spanish-American conflicts in the Pacific and Caribbean?


Answer 1


The Spanish-America Conflict(War):

A conflict between the two regions in 1898. Due to the Spanish Colonial rule in the Cuban region, protest rose and the rebels demanded independence from the Spanish rule.


  • Cause of War:

As Spaniards had power, the rebels wanted freedom and to the surprise the US came for the support of Cuban rebels. As it was a conflict in the era of  1898. When the it all started and resulted with an end to the Spanish colonial rule in Cuba.  

  • After the War:
  • The Spanish Colonial rule came to an end, resulting in losing power over the region.
  • The US acquired most of the region near the western Pacific and Latin America.

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1. Pesado.

2. Respira.

3. A lo mejor.

4. Preciosos.

5. Se alargan.

6. Entretenerme.


In this exercise you have to complete the blanks with the missing words. To do that you have to pay attention to the words around the missing word.

1. My sister's husband is jelous and sometimes he gets very unpleasant. "Pesado" means "unpleasant".

2. Maria runs little because she can't breathe well.

3. Carlos y Sara are in love, maybe they will get married this year.

4. Laura's neighbors have beautiful twins.

5. Ana and Riardo's discussions are very long, they never agree.

6. I can't have fun in the supermarket! I am in a hurry to go to my mother's house.

_____ indicates action or state of being.


The answer is: Verb tense

"Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you've got something to share."Steve Harvey Do you agree? Why?


All you really need to do is share your opinion. A great way to help with questions like this is to simplify the question. Just simply ask yourself what is this question asking me. You would basically simplify this question down to. Do you think that failure is a good teacher? Why or why not? If you answer that question you will have the correct response for this question.
Here is something that I would personally answer with, though I'm not sure what YOU believe. 

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Explain why scientists from various disciplines are all able to work in the field of volcanology.


Scientists from different fields work in volcanology because different fields can explain why volcanoes erupt.

What is volcanology?

This is known to be the scientific study of volcanoes.

Hence, we can see that scientists from various disciplines are able to work in the field of volcanology because there are different fields that explain why volcanoes erupt.

Read more about volcanology here:



¿Te gustan los días festivos? No, no te gusta.
Sí, le gustan.
No, no nos gustan.
Sí, me gustan muchísimo.

¿Te gusta comprar ropa?
No, nos gusta.
Sí, les gusta muchisímo.
Sí, me gusta comprar ropa.
Sí, me gustan las frutas


The first question translates into "Do you like holidays?". The correct answer among the choices provided is the fourth option.

"Do you like to buy clothing?" is the English translation of the second question. The correct answer is the third option which translates to "Yes, I like to buy clothing."
Te gusta comprar ropa ?

si me gusta comprar

ye gustan Los Dias festivos?

si me gustan muchisimo