Please help fast science homework
Please help fast science homework - 1


Answer 1


The solar cells transfer light energy to thermal energy.

When the battery is being charged up, chemical energy is transferred to electrical energy.

The motor is designed to transfer potential energy to kinetic energy.

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           (the distance the object moves)
           (the force in the direction of motion that made it move) .

why forces are balanced and unbalanced? need help with this the lesson is tommorow


"Balanced" means that if there's something pulling one way, then there's also
something else pulling the other way. 

-- If there's a kid sitting on one end of a see-saw, and another one with the
same weight sitting on the other end, then the see-saw is balanced, and
neither end goes up or down.  It's just as if there's nobody sitting on it.

-- If there's a tug-of-war going on, and there are 300 freshmen pulling on one
end of a rope, and another 300 freshmen pulling in the opposite direction on
the other end of the rope, then the hanky hanging from the middle of the rope
doesn't move.  The pulls on the rope are balanced, and it's just as if nobody
is pulling on it at all.

-- If a lady in the supermarket is pushing her shopping cart up the aisle, and her
two little kids are in front of the cart pushing it in the other direction, backwards,
toward her.  If the kids are strong enough, then the forces on the cart can be
balanced. Then the cart doesn't move at all, and it's just as if nobody is pushing
on it at all.

From these examples, you can see a few things:

-- There's no such thing as "a balanced force" or "an unbalanced force".
It's a group of forces that is either balanced or unbalanced.

-- The group of forces is balanced if their strengths and directions are
just right so that each force is canceled out by one or more of the others.

-- When the group of forces on an object is balanced, then the effect on the
object is just as if there were no force on it at all.
Because the way it's being set down on . It's like newtons law, what stays at rest stays unless an outside force does something. 

A ball is kicked from the top of a building with a velocity of 50 m/s and lands 165 m away from the base of the building.What is the height of the building?


The height of the building is 53.4 m (projectile motion)


The motion of the ball is a projectile motion, so it follows a parabolic path which consists of two independent motions:  

- A uniform motion (constant velocity) along the horizontal direction  

- An accelerated motion with constant acceleration (acceleration of gravity) in the vertical direction  

First of all, we consider the horizontal motion, which is a uniform motion at constant speed. The equation that gives the horizontal distance travelled is:

d=v_x t  


v_x = 50 m/s is the horizontal velocity of the ball, which is constant since there are no forces in this direction

d = 165 m is the horizontal distance travelled by the ball

Solving for t, we find the time of flight:

t=(d)/(v_x)=(165)/(50)=3.3 s

Now we analyze the vertical motion: it is an accelerated motion, we can use the suvat equation



s is the vertical displacement, which is the height of the building

u = 0 is the initial vertical velocity of the ball

t = 3.3 s is the time of flight

a=g=9.8 m/s^2 is the acceleration of gravity  

Solving for s, we find the height of the building:

s=0+(1)/(2)(9.8)(3.3)^2=53.4 m

Learn more about projectile motion here:


C is wrong ( currently failing ) Please Help


The answer has the be the fourth option "the object is not accelerating." By looking at the graph you would see the the velocity is constant meaning it staying the same and its not increasing or decreasing which takes out the first, second, and third option. So, since how the velocity is not increasing the object is not accelerating or the fourth option.

Hope this helps!

sense the time shown is increasing but the velocity is neither increasing or decreasing then the answer would have to be D.

How do you label acceleration, momentum, speed, force, and velocity?


i have a a work sheet to do and i have choices for the diffrent words, 
F:kg m/s 
H:m/s north 
so can you help me match the words with there answers