A place in which there is no matter is called a (n)


Answer 1

By definition, a region of space that contains no matter at all is a vacuum.

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A weatherman reports, "The storm waves are about 2 meters high and about 35 meters apart." What properties of waves is the reporter describing?



Amplitud = 2 m

wavelength = 35 m


The waves are described by an equation of the form

       Y = A sin (kx -wt)

With k = 2 π/λ

With A is the amplitude of the wave, λ the wavelength and w the velocity

If we analyze the reporter's data, the maximum height of the value from zero to the highest, which corresponds to the amplitude of the wave

The other value 35 m between each wave corresponds to the distance between the ridges that is equivalent to the wavelength

2 meters high = Amplitude (height at the maximum)
35 meters apart makes gives frequency (how many per meter,  or how many per 100 meters etc...)

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kinetic energy because the bird is in motion

Kinetic Energy because the bird is in motion.

Light travels fastest when moving through


a vaccum unlike sound,light can travel through any matter including a great vacuum of nothing (space) 

What is the biggest problem with invasive species in their new location?A They are always stronger than native species.

B They evolve more quickly than native species.

C They have higher reproductive rates than native species.

D They have no population controls such as predators.



Option (C)


Invasive species usually refer to those species that are new to an ecosystem and cause a great impact on the native species. It also affects the ecosystem, economy and the health of human beings. Examples of some invasive species are zebra mussels, killer algae, green crab and Asian carp.

These species are much stronger than the native species and they have the ability to grow at a much faster rate, increasing their population. This increasing rate of population creates a problem for them to survive in a new location.

Thus, the most appropriate answer is option (C).




The other species had evolved to be able to survive the predators of the area over the years