#Imagine you're writing a program to check if a person is #available at a certain time.


#To do this, you want to write a function called

#check_availability. check_availability will have two

#parameters: a list of instances of the Meeting class, and

#proposed_time, a particular date and time.


#check_availability should return True (meaning the person

#is available) if there are no instances of Meeting that

#conflict with the proposed_time. In other words, it should

#return False if proposed_time is between the start_time and

#end_time for any meeting in the list of meetings.


#The Meeting class is defined below. It has two attributes:

#start_time and end_time. start_time is an instance of the

#datetime class showing when the meeting starts, and

#end_time is an instance of the datetime class indicating

#when the meeting ends.


#Hint: Instances of the datetime have at least six

#attributes: year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.


#Hint 2: Comparison operators work with instances of the

#datetime class. time_1 < time_2 will be True if time_1 is

#earlier than time_2, and False otherwise.


#You should not assume that the list is sorted.

#Here is our definition of the Meeting class:

from datetime import datetime

class Meeting:

def __init__(self, start_time, end_time):

self.start_time = start_time

self.end_time = end_time

#Write your function here!

#Below are some lines of code that will test your function.

#You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your

#function with different inputs.


#If your function works correctly, this will originally

#print: True, then False

meetings = [Meeting(datetime(2018, 8, 1, 9, 0, 0), datetime(2018, 8, 1, 11, 0, 0)),

Meeting(datetime(2018, 8, 1, 15, 0, 0), datetime(2018, 8, 1, 16, 0, 0)),

Meeting(datetime(2018, 8, 2, 9, 0, 0), datetime(2018, 8, 2, 10, 0, 0))]

print(check_availability(meetings, datetime(2018, 8, 1, 12, 0, 0)))

print(check_availability(meetings, datetime(2018, 8, 1, 10, 0, 0)))


Answer 1


i hope the program below will help you!


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Initialize a list. ACTIVITY Initialize the list short.names with strings 'Gus', Bob, and 'Ann'. Sample output for the given program Gus Bob Ann 1 short_names- Your solution goes here 2 # print names 4 print(short_names[0])



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In this assignment, your knowledge of list is been tested. A list is data structure type in python that can hold different elements (items) of different type. The general syntax of a list is

listName = [item1, "item2", item3]

listName refers to the name of the list variable, this is followed by a pair of square brackets, inside the square brackets we have items separated by commas. This is a declaration and initialization of a list with some elements.

The complete python code snippet for this assignment is given below:

shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']




Write a loop that continually asks the user what pets the user has, until the user enters "rock", in which case the loop ends. It should acknowledge the user in the following format. For the first pet, it should say "You have a dog with a total of 1 pet(s)" if they enter dog, and so on. Sample Run:
User enters:
lemur parrot cat rock
You have a lemur with a total of 1 pet(s)
You have a parrot with a total of 2 pet(s)
You have a cat with a total of 3 pet(s)


Following are the python program to use the loop to count the number of pets until the user enters the "rock":


c = 0#defining a variable c that initilzes with 0

p = input()#defining a variable p that input value

while p != 'rock':#defining a loop that check p value not equal to rock

  c += 1#using c variable for counts total number of pets

  print('You have a %s with a total of %d pet(s)' %(p,c))#print total number of pet

  p = input() #input value


Please find the attached file.

Program Explanation:

  • Defining a variable "c" that is initialized with 0, which is used to count input values.
  • In the next line, a "p" variable is declared as the input value from the user end.
  • A while loop is declared to check that the p-value is not equal to 'rock'.
  • Inside this loop, the "c" variable is used for counting the total number of pets, and a print method is used to print the total number of pets.
  • Another input method is used that works until the user inputs the value that is "rock".

Find out more about the loop here:


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Following is given the data as required.

The images for histograms for age and gender are also attached below.

I hope it will help you!


The advantages of automation include: (I) reduced output variability. (II) reduced variable costs. (III) machines don't strike or file grievances. (IV) machines are always less expensive than human labor.



(III) machines don't strike or file grievances.

(IV) machines are always less expensive than human labor.


The advantage of automation among the option is:

(III) machines don't strike or file grievances - Machine has the advantage of not going on strike or filing grievances. It just obey instruction. Strike are human way of showing grievances. With automation, there is no issue of strike or filing for grievance.

(IV) machines are always less expensive than human labor - Machines as a means of automation are very cheap when compared to human labor. The only added cost for machine is the added cost after the cost of purchase. For human labor, the cost is not fixed or predictable.

What is a software? 2 sentences please, I'll mark u as brailiest



Computer software, or simply software, is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work.
