Obtain the 9’s complement of the following eight-digit decimal numbers:12349876



Answer 1





We have to find the 9's compliment of the given numbers

Now for the given data

a) given = 12349876

9's complement of the given number is calculated as:

99999999 - 12349876


= 87650123

b)  given number = 89009951

9's complement for the given number 89009951  is calculated as:

99999999 - 89009951


= 10990048

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It can be both


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C, C, B, C, C, B, B or D, D, A or C, A, D


I am not taking whatever course you are taking, but I would like to know what you're taking. I have only answered the questions to the best of my abilities, so they might be wrong. Next time please award more points for a question so long.

Python code 100 Random Numbers (twice)python code

You need to write code that will print two bricks of numbers, one with integers, one with decimals.


import random

i = 1

while i <= 100:

   print("#"+str(i)+": "+str(random.randint(1,100)), end=", ")



i = 1

while i <= 100:

   print("#"+str(i)+": "+str(random.uniform(1,100)), end=", ")

   i += 1

I hope this helps!

Is the willingness to put a customer’s needs above ones own needs and to go beyond a job description to achieve customer satisfaction



customer-serious orientation


Customer-serious orientation can be defined as the willingness to put a customer’s needs above ones own needs and to go beyond a job description to achieve customer satisfaction.

This ultimately implies that, a customer-serious oriented business firm or company puts the needs, wants and requirements of its customers first without considering their own needs in a bid to satisfy and retain them.

Hence, customer-serious orientation requires the employees working in an organization to show and demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors at all times.

Create an application (that uses the SortedABList) that allows a user to enter a list of countries that he or she has visited and then displays the list in alphabetical order, plus a count of how many countries are on the list. If the user mistakenly enters the same country more than once, the program should inform the user of their error and refrain from inserting the country into the list a second time.



import java.util.*;

public class Country


  public static void main(String args[])


      char ch,temp;

      int flag = 0;

      String country;

      ArrayList<String> countries = new ArrayList<String>();

      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);



          System.out.println("enter the country you have visited:\t");

          country = sc.next();

          for(int i=0;i<countries.size();i++)




                  System.out.println("you have already entered the country");

                  flag = 1;




          if(flag == 0)



              flag = 0;


          System.out.println("want to add another country(y/n):\t");

          ch = sc.next().charAt(0);



      System.out.println("Countries you have visited:\t"+countries);

      System.out.println("Total number of contries visited:"+countries.size());



