Checkpoint 10.43 Write an interface named Nameable that specifies the following methods: _______{ public void setName(String n) public String getName()} Fill in the blank.


Answer 1


Fill the blank with

public interface Nameable {



Complete code segment with the interface definition

The given code segment is divided into three parts

1. The interface

2. The method that returns nothing

3. The method that returns string

The blank will be filled with the definition of the interface.

The definition is as follows:

public interface Nameable {

Analyzing the above definition

public -----> This represents the modifier

interface ------> This represents that the definition is an interface

Nameable ------> This represents the name of the interface

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Sample Run
Enter a text: Good morning Good afternoon Good evening
Good afternoon evening morning


The programreturns uniqueelements in the string passed in with no duplicates. The programis written in python 3 thus :

text = input('Enter text : ')

#promptsuserto enterstring inputs

split_text = text.split()

#splitinputtedtext basedonwhitespace

unique = set(split_text)

#usingtheset function,takeonlyuniqueelementsin thestring

combine = ' '.join(unique)

#usethejoinfunctiontocombinethestringstoformasingle lengthstring.



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The program to this question as follows:


value = input("Input text value: ") #defining variable value and input value by user

word = value.split() #defining variable word that split value

sort_word = sorted(word) #defining variable using sorted function

unique_word = [] #defining list

for word in sort_word: #loop for matching same value

   if word not in unique_word: #checking value

       unique_word.append(word) #arrange value using append function

print(' '.join(unique_word)) #print value


Input text value: Good morning Good afternoon Good evening

Good afternoon evening morning  


In the above python code, a value variable is defined that uses input function to input value from the user end, and the word variable is declared, which uses the split method, which split all string values and defines the sort_word method that sorted value in ascending order.

  • Then an empty list "unique_word" is defined, which uses the for loop and inside the loop, a conditional statement is used.
  • In if block, it matches all value is unique if this is condition is true it will arrange all values and uses the print function to print all value.  

Which of the following function declarations correctly expect an array as the first argument?Question 1 options:

void f1(int array, int size);

void f1(int& array, int size);

void f1(int array[100], int size);

void f1(float array[], int size);

All of the above

C and D

A and B




Option: void f1(float array[], int size);

is valid.


To pass an array as argument in a function, the syntax should be as follows:

functionName (type arrayName[ ] )

We can't place the size of the array inside the array bracket (arrayName[100]) as this will give a syntax error. The empty bracket [] is required to tell the program that the value that passed as the argument is an array and differentiate it from other type of value.

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Bedrooms are too small.
Bedrooms are too comfortable.
Bedrooms are messy and cluttered.


Bedrooms are too comfortable, I'm not sure if this is the answer


It would basically be based on how you study and what your room is like. But my opinion would be

Bedrooms are Too Comfortable- which causes you to want to sleep or not due your work

Bedrooms are dimly lit- Which makes it hard for you to see your work and see anything

Bedrooms are too small- You will fell crushed and hard to focus (I would most likely choose this answer)

Bedrooms are messy and cluttered- You will not be able to concentrate and make it hard to study or do school work. ( I would choose this because I have experienced with this and I score higher in a cleaner environment and able to focus more)

Explanation: This would all depend on how you best work.

Hope this Helps!!

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Municipal broadband deployments are broadband Internet access services provided either fully or partially by local governments. Common connection technologies include unlicensed wireless (Wi-Fi, wireless mesh networks), licensed wireless (such as WiMAX), and fiber optic cable.


plz mark it as brainliest ..

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