Since groundwater lies far below the land surface the soil fully protects it fron containment


Answer 1


Groundwater protection must be a high priority in zones where contamination can easily enter the aquifer and affect a spring or pumping well used for the drinking water supply of a large population.


Groundwater protection has been addressed in most countries by issuance of different rules and regulations at national or local level that aim at preventing aquifer contamination. In this sense, laws have been issued to regulate the use and manufacture of toxic products, and set measures to manage the waste produced by industrial activities, and to properly place and maintain waste disposal and storage facilities (landfills, injection wells, storage tanks). Maximum allowable concentrations for some pollutants have been established, mainly in developed countries, to preserve a good quality of the groundwater exploited for drinking water supply. In addition, well-head protection areas and groundwater zone protection areas have also been defined in some developed countries to prevent pollution of drinking water sources.

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Complete the passage to differentiate the three types of neurons.There are three types of neurons.
________ neurons carry information from sense organs to the spinal cord and brain. In the brain, ______ carry information from the sensory neurons to _____
neurons, which causes muscles to contact and move.



The correct answer will be-

1. Sensory neurons

2. Interneurons

3. Motor neurons


The neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system which transmits the signals in the form of electrical impulse.

The neurons can be categorized on the basis of their functions into three types:  

1. Sensory neuron- The neuron which transmits the signals from the sense organs of the body to the central nervous system.

2. Interneurons- The neuron which connects the sensory neuron to the motor neuron by interpreting the signals from the sensory neurons.

3. Motor neuron- the neuron which transmits the signal from the central nervous system to the muscles and causes the movement of the muscles.

Final answer:

Neurons can be classified as sensory, motor, or interneurons based on the direction they carry impulses. Sensory neurons transmit information to the brain, interneurons process it, and motor neurons carry the response to muscles or glands.


There are three types of neurons. Sensory neurons carry information from sense organs to the spinal cord and brain. In the brain, interneurons carry information from the sensory neurons to motor neurons, which cause muscles to contract and move. Sensory neurons carry nerve impulses from sensory receptors in tissues and organs to the central nervous system. Motor neurons transmit impulses from the central nervous system to muscles and glands, prompting action. Interneurons facilitate communication between sensory and motor neurons.

Sensory neurons, for example, would carry the sensation of touching a hot surface to the brain. The brain processes this via interneurons and sends a signal through motor neurons to withdraw the hand quickly. This sequence illustrates how the different types of neurons collaborate to generate a response.

Learn more about Types of Neurons here:




Draw a table that is 2x2. On the top, write a capital R over on box and a lowercase r over the second. On the side, write a lowercase r next to one box and another lowercase r by the other. The top left box would have Rr. The top right would have rr. The bottom left would have Rr and the bottom right would have rr. The probability would be 50%. There is a 50% chance of having wrinkled seeds

Found evidence that the continents were joined together at one time.


Alfred Wegener, is who proposed the idea of Pangaia


Alfred Wegener


In 1912 Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) noticed the same thing and proposed that the continents were once compressed into a single protocontinent which he called Pangaea (meaning "all lands"), and over time they have drifted apart into their current distribution.

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells differ in that _______bound organelles, and ________ cells do not have a nucleus.


Answer: that Eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles, and prokaryote cells do not have a nucleus

Where are most of the nonmetals found in the periodic table?



at the top



on the right side



in the bottom left corner



on the left side


D. Most of the non-metals are found on the left side I the periodic table