Write statements that declare inFile to be an ifstream variable and outFile to be an ofstream variable.


Answer 1


Following are the statement in the c++ language

ifstream inFile;  // declared a variable inFile

ofstream outFile;//declared a variable outFile


The  ifstream and ofstream  is the file stream object in the c++ Programming language .The ifstream file stream object is used for reading the contents from the file whereas the ofstream  file stream object is used for writting the contents into the file.

  • We can create the variable for the ifstream and ofstream These variable is used for reading and writing into the File.
  • Following are the syntax to create the ifstream variable and ofstream variable

        ifstream variablename;

        ofstream  variablename

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CDN(content delivery network)


Content delivery network(CDN) which can as well be regarded as Content Distribution Network helps in acheiving high website performance, it essential in reduction of latency, through making the time a request is made using a website to when the website is fully loaded to be short and Minimal. It important in a situation whereby there is traffic loads from the users as well as server. It should be noted that CDN

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B. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)


The term that is described in the question is A. Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence simply means the ability of a computer system to automatically make decisions based on the input value received.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence is the computer's ability to do a single task well. It's used in today’s email spam filters, speech recognition, and other specific applications.

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A. Artificial Narrow Intelligence.


Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer system, with the help of programming, automatically make decisions as humanly as possible, based on the input value received. There are three types of artificial intelligence, namely, artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial super intelligence (ASI).

ANI is focus on executing one specific task extremely well like web crawler, speech recognition, email spam filters etc. AGI is meant to handle human intellectual task, while ASI performs task beyond human intellect.

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  Or a domain name.   Good Luck!

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#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

bool convertToUpper(const string &st);

int main()


string s;

cout << "Enter the string: " << endl;

getline(cin, s);


return 0;


bool convertToUpper(const string &st) {

if(st.length() == 0) {

return false;

} else {

ofstream myfile;

myfile.open ("Upper.txt");

for(int i=0;i<st.length();i++) {

if(st[i]>='a' && st[i]<='z') {

myfile << (char)toupper(st[i]);

} else {

myfile <<st[i];







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