What tool is provided in Windows to facilitate sharing data objects between applications and computers?


Answer 1


Component services


In Windows, components services are integrated into the Administrative Tools and are used to configure certain COM (Component Object Model) components and applications. They are also used to ;

i. assign roles to users and groups.

ii. facilitate data sharing between applications and computers by processes such as pooling, pausing, resuming and recycling applications.

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To add text to a slide when using presentation software, you need to add a text box. To add a text box, click the Text Box button on the ________ ribbon toolbar.Format


The answer is the second choice, "Insert."

On Microsoft Powerpoint, when you click on the insert tab you can find the text box button.


the answer would be insert!

if you want to open up your desktop computer to look inside what is one of the first things you should do


Turn it on or open the laptop

Your grandmother tells you a dollar doesn't go as far as it used to. She says the "purchasing power" of a dollar is much less than it used to be. Explain what she means. Try to use and explain terms like inflation and deflation in your answer. ​



The obtaining influence of a dollar is substantially less on the grounds that more cash is made and causes the value of the dollar greenback to diminish, making things increasingly costly. This is called swelling. In any case, when less cash is made, the value of a dollar greenback increments and things turn out to be more affordable. This is called flattening. As the years go on, the purchasing power of a dollar decreases and decreases.

Hope that helps. x

Most email clients contain a ____ that allows the user to read an email message without actually opening it





There are many email providers, such as Microsoft Outlook, that allow the user to preview the email message without having to open it.

This technique is used by customers who receive a large volume of email daily and need to facilitate the management of incoming email to optimize time and response according to the relevance of each email.

To set the preview method, you must go to "options" and "preferences" and select the email preview option before opening, which will provide a split screen with a list of incoming emails, with subject, date and sender, in addition to the body of the message.

Most email clients contain a "subject" that allows the user to read an email message without actually opening it.

Write a Common Lisp predicate function that tests for the structural equality of two given lists. Two lists are structurally equal if they have the same list structure, although their atoms may be different. A script of defining and testing the function in Clisp on the empress system must be submitted.




For the Program plan:

1. Two lists are structurally equal if they have the same list structure, although their atoms may be different.

2. So we are going to write a function that will check if elements in both lists at same position are atoms or not.

3. If yes then it should return true else false.


#lang scheme

( define (structurally-equal list1 list2)

(cond ((and (null? list1) (null? list2)) #t)

((or (null? list1) (null? list2)) #f)

((and (atom? (car list1)) (atom? (car list2)))

(structurally-equal (cdr list1) (cdr list2)))

((or (atom? (car list1)) (atom? (car list2))) #f)

(else (and (structurally-equal (car list1) (car list2))

(structurally-equal (cdr list1) (cdr list2) )))))

( define (atom? x) (not (or (pair? x) (null? x))))

If Word finds a potential error in a document, a red, green, or blue wavy underline flags the problem. a. True
b. False


As for this problem of true or false, the most probable answer the most likely one to be the correct answer would be A. True.

In Microsoft Word, or commonly referred to as MS Word, or simply Word itself as what is utilized in the problem, the program has the ability to recognize in spelling and grammar. When a red wavy underline is present, the word or words above it are usually wrong in spelling. Though this can be corrected by the user by adding the word in the dictionary so as not to be corrected in the future. The green one would be more about grammar. The blue wavy underline would indicate a word spelled correctly, but might be misused in the sentence it belongs. This usually happens to words that are almost identical in spelling like too and to.