Why or why not the following materials will make good candidates for the construction of a) Turbine blade for a jet turbine and
b) Thermal barrier coating. Cement, aluminum, engineering ceramic, super alloy, steel and glass


Answer 1


Answer explained below


3.] a] A turbine blade is the individual component which makes up the turbine section of a gas turbine. The blades are responsible for extracting energy from the high temperature, high pressure gas produced by the combustor.

The turbine blades are often the limiting component of gas turbines. To survive in this difficult environment, turbine blades often use exotic materials like superalloys and many different methods of cooling, such as internal air channels, boundary layer cooling, and thermal barrier coatings. The blade fatigue failure is one of the major source of outages in any steam turbines and gas turbines which is due to high dynamic stresses caused by blade vibration and resonance within the operating range of machinery.

To protect blades from these high dynamic stresses, friction dampers are used.

b] Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) are highly advanced materials systems usually applied to metallic surfaces, such as on gas turbine or aero-engine parts, operating at elevated temperatures, as a form ofexhaust heat management.

These 100μm to 2mm coatings serve to insulate components from large and prolonged heat loads by utilizing thermally insulating materials which can sustain an appreciable temperature difference between the load-bearing alloys and the coating surface.

In doing so, these coatings can allow for higher operating temperatures while limiting the thermal exposure of structural components, extending part life by reducing oxidation and thermal fatigue.

In conjunction with active film cooling, TBCs permit working fluid temperatures higher than the melting point of the metal airfoil in some turbine applications.

Due to increasing demand for higher engine operation (efficiency increases at higher temperatures), better durability/lifetime, and thinner coatings to reduce parasitic weight for rotating/moving components, there is great motivation to develop new and advanced TBCs.

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Answer: Provided in the explanation section


Transactional Leadership - This leadership style is mainly focused on the transactions between the leader and employees. If the employees work hard, achieve the objectives and deliver the results, they are rewarded through bonuses, hikes, promotions etc. If the employees fail to achieve the desired results, they are punished by awarding lower ratings in the performance appraisal, denying opportunities etc.

In this style, leader lays emphasis on the relation with the followers.

It is a reactive style where the growth of the employee in the organization completely depends on the performance with respect to the activities and deliverables.

It is best suited for regular operations and for a settled environment by developing the existing organizational culture which is not too challenging.

It is a bureaucratic style of leadership where the leader concentrates on planning and execution rather than innovation and creation.

A transactional leader is short-term focused and result oriented. He/she doesn't consider long-term strategic objectives regarding the organization's future.


cheers i hope this helped !!

A circuit contains a 40 ohm resistor and a 60 ohms resistor connected in parallel. If you test this circuit with a DMM you should read a total resistance





When resistors are connected in parallel, the reciprocal of their combined resistance, when read with a DMM (Digital Multimeter - for measuring various properties of a circuit or circuit element such as resistance...) is the sum of the reciprocals of their individual resistances.

For example if two resistors of resistances R₁ and R₂ are connected together in parallel, the reciprocal of their combined resistance Rₓ is given by;

(1)/(R_x) = (1)/(R_1) + (1)/(R_2)

Solving for Rₓ gives;

R_(x) = (R_1 * R_2)/(R_1 + R_2)          ------------------(i)

From the question;


R₁ = resistance of first resistor = 40Ω

R₂ =  resistance of second resistor = 60Ω


To get their combined or total resistance, Rₓ, substitute these values into equation (i) as follows;  

R_(x) = (40 * 60)/(40 + 60)

R_(x) = (2400)/(100)

R_(x) = 24 Ω

Therefore, the total resistance is 24Ω


24 ohms



hope this helped :)

God bless you!!!!

Calculate the amount of power (in Watts) required to move an object weighing 762 N from point A to point B within 29 seconds. Distance between point A and point B is 5.0 meters and they are at the same level. (Ignore the frictional losses)



0.556 Watts


w = Weight of object = 762 N

s = Distance = 5 m

t = Time taken = 29 seconds

a = Acceleration

g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

Equation of motion

s=ut+(1)/(2)at^2\n\Rightarrow a=(2* (s-ut))/(t^2)\n\Rightarrow a=(2* (5-0))/(29^2)=(10)/(481)

Mass of the body


Force required to move the body

F=ma\n\Righarrow F=(762)/(9.81)* (10)/(481)

Velocity of object

v=u+at\n\Rightarrow v=0+(10)/(481)* 29\n\Rightarrow v=(10)/(29)


P=Fv\n\Rightarrow P=(762)/(9.81)* (10)/(481)* (10)/(29)=0.556\ W

∴ Amount of power required to move the object is 0.556 Watts

Clothing made of several thin layers of fabric with trapped air in between, often called ski clothing, is commonly used in cold climates because it is light, fashionable, and a very effective thermal insulator. So, it is no surprise that such clothing has largely replaced thick and heavy old-fashioned coats. Consider a jacket made up of six layers of 0.1 mm thick synthetic fabric (k = 0.026W/m.K) with 1.2 mm thick air space (k = 0.026 W/m.K) between the fabric layers. Assuming the inner surface temperature of the jacket to be 25˚C and the surface area to be 1.25 m2 , determine the heat loss through the jacket when the temperature of the outdoors is -5˚C and the heat transfer co-efficient of outer surface is 25 W/m2 .K. What would be the thickness of a wool fabric (k = 0.035W/m.K) if the person has to achieve the same level of thermal comfort wearing a thick wool coat instead of a jacket. (30 points)






Heat transfer consists of the propagation of energy in the form of heat in different ways, these can be convection if it is through a fluid, radiation through electromagnetic waves and conduction through solid solids.

To solve any problem related to heat transfer, the general equation is used

Q = delta / R


Q = heat

Delta = the temperature difference

R = is the thermal resistance by conduction, convection and radiation

to solve this problem we propose the previous equation

Q = delta / R

later we find R

R=[tex]r=(6L1)/(AK1) +(5L2)/(AK2)+(1)/(Ah)

R=(6(0.0001))/((1.25)(0.026)) +(5(0.012))/((1.25)(0.026))+(1)/((25)(1.25)) =0.235 K/w


part b

we use the same ecuation with Q=127.66

Q = delta / R

ΔR=(L)/(KA) +(1)/(hA) \nR=(L)/((0.035)(1.25)) +(1)/((25)(1.25))\n R=22.85L+0.032\nQ=(T1-T2)/R\n\n127.66=(25-(-5))/(22.85L+0.032)\nsolving for L\nL=9.2mm

Isothermal process also means adiabatic internal reversible process. a)-True b)-False



(b) False


Isothermal process is a process in which temperature is constant ,heat can be transferred but temperature is constant and as the temperature is constant so internal energy is also constant

In other hand in adiabatic process there no transfer of heat and internal energy also changes

So the given statement is false statement  

At full load, a commercially available 100hp, three phase induction motor operates at an efficiency of 97% and a power factor of 0.88 lag. The motor is supplied from a three-phase outlet with a line voltage rating of 208V.a. What is the magnitude of the line current drawn from the 208 V outlet? (1 hp = 746 W.) b. Calculate the reactive power supplied to the motor.



I = Line Current = 242.58 A

Q = Reactive Power = 41.5 kVAr


Firstly, converting 100 hp to kW.

Since, 1 hp = 0.746 kW,

100 hp = 0.746 kW x 100

100 hp = 74.6 kW

The power of a three phase induction motor can be given as:

P_(in)  = √(3) VI Cos\alpha\n


P in = Input Power required by the motor

V = Line Voltage

I = Line Current

Cosα = Power Factor

Now, calculating Pin:

efficiency = \frac{{P_(out)} }{P_(in) }\n0.97 = (74.6)/(P_(in) ) \nP_(in) = (74.6)/(0.97)\n  P_(in) = 76.9 kW

a) Calculating the line current:

P_(in) = √(3)VICos\alpha   \n76.9 * 1000= √(3)*208*I*0.88\nI = (76.9*1000)/(√(3)*208*0.88 )\nI =   242.58 A

b) Calculating Reactive Power:

The reactive power can be calculated as:

Q = P tanα


Q = Reactive power

P = Active Power

α = power factor angle


Cos\alpha =0.88\n\alpha =Cos^(-1)(0.88)\n\alpha=28.36


Q = 76.9 * tan (28.36)\nQ = 76.9 * (0.5397)\nQ = 41. 5 kVAr