IN JAVA,Knapsack Problem

The file KnapsackData1.txt and KnapsackData2.txt are sample input files

for the following Knapsack Problem that you will solve.

KnapsackData1.txt contains a list of four prospective projects for the upcoming year for a particular


Project0 6 30

Project1 3 14

Project2 4 16

Project3 2 9

Each line in the file provides three pieces of information:

1) String: The name of the project;

2) Integer: The amount of employee labor that will be demanded by the project, measured in work weeks;

3) Integer: The net profit that the company can expect from engaging in the project, measured in thousands

of dollars.

Your task is to write a program that:

1) Prompts the user for the number of work weeks available (integer);

2) Prompts the user for the name of the input file (string);

3) Prompts the user for the name of the output file (string);

4) Reads the available projects from the input file;

5) Dolves the corresponding knapsack problem, without repetition of items; and

6) Writes to the output file a summary of the results, including the expected profit and a list of the best

projects for the company to undertake.

Here is a sample session with the program:

Enter the number of available employee work weeks: 10

Enter the name of input file: KnapsackData1.txt

Enter the name of output file: Output1.txt

Number of projects = 4


For the above example, here is the output that should be written to Output1.txt:

Number of projects available: 4

Available employee work weeks: 10

Number of projects chosen: 2

Number of projectsTotal profit: 46

Project0 6 30

Project2 4 16

The file KnapsackData2.txt, contains one thousand prospective projects. Your program should also be able to handle this larger problem as well. The corresponding output file,

WardOutput2.txt, is below.

With a thousand prospective projects to consider, it will be impossible for your program to finish in a

reasonable amount of time if it uses a "brute-force search" that explicitly considers every possible

combination of projects. You are required to use a dynamic programming approach to this problem.


Number of projects available: 1000

Available employee work weeks: 100

Number of projects chosen: 66

Total profit: 16096

Project15 2 236

Project73 3 397

Project90 2 302

Project114 1 139

Project117 1 158

Project153 3 354

Project161 2 344

Project181 1 140

Project211 1 191

Project213 2 268

Project214 2 386

Project254 1 170

Project257 4 427

Project274 1 148

Project275 1 212

Project281 2 414

Project290 1 215

Project306 2 455

Project334 3 339

Project346 2 215

Project356 3 337

Project363 1 159

Project377 1 105

Project389 1 142

Project397 1 321

Project399 1 351

Project407 3 340

Project414 1 266

Project431 1 114

Project435 3 382

Project446 1 139

Project452 1 127

Project456 1 229

Project461 1 319

Project478 1 158

Project482 2 273

Project492 1 142

Project525 1 144

Project531 1 382

Project574 1 170

Project594 1 125

Project636 2 345

Project644 1 169

Project668 1 191

Project676 1 117

Project684 1 143

Project689 1 108

Project690 1 216

Project713 1 367

Project724 1 127

Project729 2 239

Project738 1 252

Project779 1 115

Project791 1 110

Project818 2 434

Project820 1 222

Project830 1 179

Project888 3 381

Project934 3 461

Project939 3 358

Project951 1 165

Project959 2 351

Project962 1 316

Project967 1 191

Project984 1 117

Project997 1 187


Answer 1







import java.util.Scanner;

public class Knapsack {


  public static void knapsack(int wk[], int pr[], int W, String ofile) throws IOException


      int i, w;

      int[][] Ksack = new int[wk.length + 1][W + 1];


      for (i = 0; i <= wk.length; i++) {

  for (w = 0; w <= W; w++) {

  if (i == 0 || w == 0)

  Ksack[i][w] = 0;

  else if (wk[i - 1] <= w)

  Ksack[i][w] = Math.max(pr[i - 1] + Ksack[i - 1][w - wk[i - 1]], Ksack[i - 1][w]);


  Ksack[i][w] = Ksack[i - 1][w];




      int maxProfit = Ksack[wk.length][W];

      int tempProfit = maxProfit;

      int count = 0;

      w = W;

      int[] projectIncluded = new int[1000];

      for (i = wk.length; i > 0 && tempProfit > 0; i--) {


      if (tempProfit == Ksack[i - 1][w])


      else {

          projectIncluded[count++] = i-1;

      tempProfit = tempProfit - pr[i - 1];

      w = w - wk[i - 1];



      FileWriter f =new FileWriter("C:\\Users\\gshubhita\\Desktop\\"+ ofile);

      f.write("Number of projects available: "+ wk.length+ "\r\n");

      f.write("Available employee work weeks: "+ W + "\r\n");

      f.write("Number of projects chosen: "+ count + "\r\n");

      f.write("Total profit: "+ maxProfit + "\r\n");


  for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)

  f.write("\nProject"+ projectIncluded[j] +" " +wk[projectIncluded[j]]+ " "+ pr[projectIncluded[j]] + "\r\n");





  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception


      Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

      System.out.print("Enter the number of available employee work weeks: ");

      int avbWeeks = sc.nextInt();

      System.out.print("Enter the name of input file: ");

  String inputFile =;

      System.out.print("Enter the name of output file: ");

      String outputFile =;

      System.out.print("Number of projects = ");

      int projects = sc.nextInt();

      int[] workWeeks = new int[projects];

      int[] profit = new int[projects];


      File file = new File("C:\\Users\\gshubhita\\Desktop\\" + inputFile);

  Scanner fl = new Scanner(file);


  int count = 0;

  while (fl.hasNextLine()){

  String line = fl.nextLine();

  String[] x = line.split(" ");

  workWeeks[count] = Integer.parseInt(x[1]);

  profit[count] = Integer.parseInt(x[2]);




  knapsack(workWeeks, profit, avbWeeks, outputFile);



Console Output:

Enter the number of available employee work weeks: 10

Enter the name of input file: input.txt

Enter the name of output file: output.txt

Number of projects = 4


Number of projects available: 4

Available employee work weeks: 10

Number of projects chosen: 2

Total profit: 46

Project2 4 16

Project0 6 30

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STEP ONE: The first step to take in order to solve this particular Question or problem is to find or determine the Biot value.

Biot value = (heat transfer coefficient × length) ÷ thermal conductivity.

Biot value = (220 × 0.1)÷ 110 = 0.2.

Biot value = 0.2.

STEP TWO: Determine the Fourier number. Since the Biot value is greater than 0.1. Tis can be done by making use of the formula below;

Fourier number = thermal diffusivity × time ÷ (length)^2.

Fourier number = (3 × 60 × 33.9 × 10^-6)/( 0.1)^2 = 0.6102.

STEP THREE: This is the last step for the question, here we will be calculating the temperature of the center plane of the brass plate after 3 minutes.

Thus, the temperature of the center plane of the brass plane after 3 minutes = (1.00705) (0.89199) (900- 15) + 15.

= > the temperature of the center plane of the brass plane after 3 minutes = 809.98°C.

Make a copy of the pthreads_skeleton.cpp program and name it pthreads_p2.cpp Modify the main function to implement a loop that reads 10 integers from the console (user input) and stores these numbers in a one-dimensional (1D) array (this code will go right after the comment that says ""Add code to perform any needed initialization or to process user input""). You should use a global array for this.



The solution code is as follows:

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5.    int myArray [10] = {};
  7.    int i;
  8.    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
  9.    {
  10.        cout <<"Enter an integer: ";
  11.        cin>> myArray[i];
  12.    }
  13. }


Firstly, we initialize a 10-elements array, myArray (Line 7) with no values.

Next, we create a for-loop (Line 10). Within the loop, we prompt user to enter an integer and assign the input value to the current element of myArray (Line 12-13).

An activated sludge plant is being designed to handle a feed rate of 0.438 m3 /sec. The influent BOD concentration is 150 mg/L and the cell concentration (MLVSS) is 2,200 mg/L. If you wish to operate the plant with a food-to-microorganism ratio of 0.20 day-1 , what volume of aeration tank should you use? Please give your answer in m3 .



Volume of aeration tank = 1.29 x 10^4 m³


Food/Micro- organism Ratio = 0.2/day

Feed Rate (Q) = 0.438 m³/s

Influent BOD = 150 mg/L

MLVSS = 2200 mg/L

The above mentioned parameters are related by the equation

F/M = QS₀/VX

where S₀ is the influent BOD and X is the cell concentration, with V being the Volume of the tank. Re- arranging the above equation for V and putting the values in, we get

V = 0.4380 x 150/0.2 x 2200

V = 0.1493 (m³/s) x day

V = 0.1493 x 24 x 60 x 60

V = 1.29 x 10^4 m³

A cylindrical bar of metal having a diameter of 19.2 mm and a length of 207 mm is deformed elastically in tension with a force of 52900 N. Given that the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of the metal are 61.4 GPa and 0.34, respectively, determine the following: a. The amount by which this specimen will elongate in the direction of the applied stress.
b. The change in diameter of the specimen. Indicate an increase in diameter with a positive number and a decrease with a negative number.



1)ΔL = 0.616 mm

2)Δd = 0.00194 mm


We are given;

Force; F = 52900 N

Initial length; L_o = 207 mm = 0.207 m

Diameter; d_o = 19.2 mm = 0.0192 m

Elastic modulus; E = 61.4 GPa = 61.4 × 10^(9) N/m²

Now, from Hooke's law;

E = σ/ε

Where; σ is stress = force/area = F/A

A = πd²/4 = π × 0.0192²/4

A = 0.00009216π

σ = 52900/0.00009216π

ε = ΔL/L_o

ε = ΔL/0.207

Thus,from E = σ/ε, we have;

61.4 × 10^(9) = (52900/0.00009216π) ÷ (ΔL/0.207)

Making ΔL the subject, we have;

ΔL = (52900 × 0.207)/(61.4 × 10^(9) × 0.00009216π)

ΔL = 0.616 × 10^(-3) m

ΔL = 0.616 mm

B) Poisson's ratio is given as;

υ = ε_x/ε_z

ε_x = Δd/d_o

ε_z = ΔL/L_o


υ = (Δd/d_o) ÷ (ΔL/L_o)

Making Δd the subject gives;

Δd = (υ × d_o × ΔL)/L_o

We are given Poisson's ratio to be 0.34.


Δd = (0.34 × 19.2 × 0.616)/207

Δd = 0.00194 mm

The 50mm diameter cylinder is made from Am 1004-T61 magnesium (E = 44.7GPa, a = 26x10^-6/°C)and is placed in the clamp when the temperature is T1 = 15°C. If the two 304-stainless-steel (E =
193GPa, a = 17x10^-6/°C) carriage bolts of the clamp each have a diameter of 10mm, and they hold
the cylinder snug with a negligible force against the rigid jaws, determine the temperature at which
the average normal stress in either the magnesium or steel becomes 12 MPa.





At full load, a commercially available 100hp, three phase induction motor operates at an efficiency of 97% and a power factor of 0.88 lag. The motor is supplied from a three-phase outlet with a line voltage rating of 208V.a. What is the magnitude of the line current drawn from the 208 V outlet? (1 hp = 746 W.) b. Calculate the reactive power supplied to the motor.



I = Line Current = 242.58 A

Q = Reactive Power = 41.5 kVAr


Firstly, converting 100 hp to kW.

Since, 1 hp = 0.746 kW,

100 hp = 0.746 kW x 100

100 hp = 74.6 kW

The power of a three phase induction motor can be given as:

P_(in)  = √(3) VI Cos\alpha\n


P in = Input Power required by the motor

V = Line Voltage

I = Line Current

Cosα = Power Factor

Now, calculating Pin:

efficiency = \frac{{P_(out)} }{P_(in) }\n0.97 = (74.6)/(P_(in) ) \nP_(in) = (74.6)/(0.97)\n  P_(in) = 76.9 kW

a) Calculating the line current:

P_(in) = √(3)VICos\alpha   \n76.9 * 1000= √(3)*208*I*0.88\nI = (76.9*1000)/(√(3)*208*0.88 )\nI =   242.58 A

b) Calculating Reactive Power:

The reactive power can be calculated as:

Q = P tanα


Q = Reactive power

P = Active Power

α = power factor angle


Cos\alpha =0.88\n\alpha =Cos^(-1)(0.88)\n\alpha=28.36


Q = 76.9 * tan (28.36)\nQ = 76.9 * (0.5397)\nQ = 41. 5 kVAr