Someone please help with these chemistry questions
Someone please help with these chemistry questions - 1


Answer 1


Option B. Add 1.46 g of NaCl to 250 mL of H₂O


Analyse the data given: 250 mL and 0.10 M

The molar concentration and the volume of solution can indicate the moles of solute that were used.

Let's convert the volume from mL to L → 250 mL . 1 L /1000mL =0.250L

M . volume = moles → 0.10 mol/L . 0.250L = 0.025 moles

If we convert the moles to mass, we'll know the mass of solute:

0.025 mol . 58.4 g/mol = 1.46 g

Answer 2


We have to solve 1.46 grams of NaCl in 250 mL H2O (option B)


Step 1: Data given

Volume = 250 mL = 0.250 L

Molarity NaCl solution = 0.10 M

Molar mass of NaCl = 58.4 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate moles NaCl

Moles NaCl = molarity * volume

Moles NaCl = 0.10 M * 0.250 L

Moles NaCl = 0.025 moles

Step 3: Calculate mass NaCl

Mass NaCl = moles NaCl * molar mass NaCl

Mass NaCl = 0.025 moles * 58.4 g/mol

Mass NaCl = 1.46 grams

We have to solve 1.46 grams of NaCl in 250 mL H2O (option B)

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Scientific notation for 5,098,000


When you do not see the decimal just put it at the very end of the problem! 
So now 5,098,000.
Now we need to move the decimal over to make this problem greater than 1 and less than 10. So if we but the decimal Right after 5 we have 5.098 which is greater than 1 and less than 10.
So now we write it out like this
let's find x.
X is how many times we moved the decmal over, in this case 6.So now
Does this help?

5.098*10^6    , this is the correct answer