Diego is studying compost. He conducted an experiment to see how moisture levels affect the breakdown of organic materials in compost piles. Diego found that adding 1 L of water per 10 kg of dry matter caused the compost to break down at the fastest rate, but adding more than 1 L caused decomposition to slow down. Which of the following questions do these results lead to? I. Why does adding more than 1 L of water per 10 kg cause decomposition to slow down? II. Does this ratio of water to dry matter hold true for all organic materials being composted? III. Why should anybody want to start a compost pile? A. I, II, and III B. I only C. I and II only D. II and III only


Answer 1


Option C , I and II only


The study conducted is done only for people or organisations that either started a compost pile or who want to start a compost pile. Thus result III is not at all a valid question for the study conducted.

However, there can be question related to the result of experiments clarifying  the quantity of additives used in the experiment for  example why only 10 Kg of dry water, why not to add more than 1 L of water , why only water is to be added why not some other solvent etc. Thus question I is a valid question.

Also , question II is valid as it asks about expanding the scope of experiment from one type of organic material to all other type of organic matter in the compost.

There fore both question I and II are valid question and thus option C , is correct.

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Coelomates such as annelids(eg earth worms) have true coeloms or eucoeloms. A true coelom ,unlike the psuedocoelom of nematodes, has tissues that can form muscle next to the digestive tract, allowing them to push food along more efficiently.

Coeloms provide a hydrostatic skeleton to aid movement, allows for more efficient circulation of nutrients and removal of wastes.

Hope this helps:))

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the air is in the gas state
the 4 different states are liquid, solid, gas, and plasma

Paragraph about how genetic variation and environmental pressures can cause a change in population


Hmm.. good one. :)

1.) Genetics are what can create features or behaviors in animals or other living organisms. So this can cause a change in population because say one species of bird was born by two slightly different parents, now it has both genetics from both. This can be good or bad. Say the dad's genetics sucked but the mother's genetics were good. This bird might be better at surviving or better at being prey. 

Environmental Pressures: 1.) If rabbits die because of a disease, their predators will become hungry. The predators might go down in number too and die as well. If anything in nature goes wrong, it may affect a population to either increase or decrease. 

What do you call a collection of objects which interact?A. a system
B. the biosphere
C. Earth
D. organisms


The correct answer is A.) A System.

My reason being is mainly because we have organs and bones that all work together to help us live , this is called a system. 

The definition of System is : The assemblage ( gathering ) or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole.


I really hope that this helps you out a lot. Have a nice day.

A system is a collection of objects which interact, or a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole. 

So, that would make (A. a system) your answer.

Have a Brainly Day!

To prepare for the cross-country meet, a skier decides to significantly increase the amount of carbohydrates in his diet (a technique also known as carbohydrate loading). Why might this be beneficial to the cross-country skier? Check all that apply. Carbohydrates are used to build actin filaments in the myofibrils, which increases muscle bulk and performance. The liver can store copious amounts of ingested carbohydrates as glycogen, which can then be slowly broken down to release the glucose needed to fuel aerobic respiration. As long as oxygen is present, the glucose stored in the ingested carbohydrates can provide a steady stream of ATP, thus meeting the demands of prolonged periods of exercise. Eating more carbohydrates leads to more glycogen stores in muscles, which then equates to larger energy stores for short, explosive bouts of energy use.



The glucose is the primary source of energy, which yields ATP in the presence of oxygen. The continuous intake of carbohydrates provide streamlined flow ATP that is meeting the demands of prolonged exercises.


Carbohydrate loading is defined as the increase in the intake of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen, which is then broken down to yield glucose. Glucose is necessary to drive the vital functions of the body, such as respiration.

An athlete performing extensive exercise requires streamflow of ATP to fulfill the energy demands of the body. The metabolism of glucose provides ATP. The carbohydrates are the rich source of glucose, which in the substrate level undergoes oxidative phosphorylation and citric acid cycle. Oxygen plays a primary role in the breakdown of carbohydrates as glucose. It plays a crucial role in accepting electrons in the electron transport chain to synthesize ATP.

Thus, the continuous supply of oxygen is necessary for the metabolism of macromolecules. ATP in a higher amount is required by athletes to improve muscle performance. Thus, the stored glucose and continuous supply of oxygen are necessary to generate energy molecules.

For Further Reference:


While hiking in a rural area, you encounter a wetland and conclude that it's a swamp. Which feature helped you reach this conclusion? A. It contains a variety of trees and shrubs.
B. It contains a number of carnivorous plants.
C. It's located near a lake.
D. It's located near the coast.



A. It contains a variety of trees and shrubs.


The area which is wet most of the time and the land is covered with woody plants such as shrubs and trees is called swamp. Swamp is generally found near rivers or streams because rivers bring nutrients to the swamp. It is very useful for mankind because it helps keep the land around them from flooding.


I think answer

B. It contains a number of carnivorous plants.