Soldiers returning from war may suffer from this type of disorder.a. o-c-d
b. p-t-s-d
c. a-d-h-d
d. bipolar disorder


Answer 1

Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after the Veteran experiences a traumatic event. ... Anyone who has gone through a life-threatening event can develop PTSD. These events can include: Combat or military exposure.

Answer: b. p-t-s-d (PTSD)

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We have a sample of 2,400 geriatric patients who are in an assisted living home, of which 1,200 participated in a new preventative Drug A. Rates of UTIs tend to be higher than average among this population. As part of a preventative and treatment intervention, we are examining the performance of several drugs:Preventative Drug (before the onset of UTI)Drug A: preventative UTI drug taken daily in hopes to prevent thgrowthof bacteria that causes UTIsTreatment Drugs (after the onset of UTI)Drug B: New antibiotic for treating UTIsDrug C: Conventional antibiotic for treating UTIs
nformation for how many patients took each drug or combination of drugs is summarized below in the two tables. Use these to answer questions a) -d)
Table 1. Summary of performance of drug A: UTI rates among those taking and not taking drug ADid not take Drug ADid take Drug A
total UTI
164 No UTI
441 312 753Total 1200 1200
2400Table 2. Summary of performance of drug B and C: recovery status after 1 week of taking medications.
Did not take Drug A
Did take Drug A
Drug B
Drug C
Drug B
Drug C
Not Recovered
a. Use the above Table 1 to determine if Drug A was useful in preventing UTIs. In other words, is the proportion of those having taking Drug A but still getting a UTI equal to average rate of UTI for this population (living in an assisted living home) of 74%. Use hypothesis testing to test our hypothesis and use the confidence interval approach with a significance level of α=0.01.
b. Using Table 2, let’s examine the rate of UTI recovery among Drug C (conventional antibiotics). The manufacturer of Drug C claims it has a success rate (recovery within a week) of 55%. Use our data to see if this success rate is true: test if our recovery rate of those taking Drug C, regardless of whether the person took Drug A or not, is the same or different than 55%. Use hypothesis testing and the p-value approach with an α=0.05.
c. Similarly, let’s examine Drug B’s performance. Repeat our hypothesis among Drug B: test if our recovery rate of those taking drug B is different than 55% (regardless of whether the patient took Drug A or not). Use hypothesis testing and p-value approach with an α=0.1.



(View Below)


Let's tackle each part of the question step by step:

a. **Testing the Effectiveness of Drug A:**

We want to test if the proportion of patients who took Drug A and still got a UTI is equal to the average rate of UTIs for this population (74%). We can use a hypothesis test for proportions. Here are the hypotheses:

- **Null Hypothesis (H0):** The proportion of patients who took Drug A and got a UTI is equal to 74%.

- **Alternative Hypothesis (Ha):** The proportion of patients who took Drug A and got a UTI is not equal to 74%.

We'll perform a two-tailed test at a significance level of α = 0.01.

Using the provided data:

- Proportion of UTIs among those who took Drug A = 887 / 1200 ≈ 0.7392

- Proportion of UTIs among those who did not take Drug A = 759 / 1200 ≈ 0.6325

We can calculate the standard error for the difference in proportions and perform the hypothesis test. I'll calculate the z-score and p-value for you:

Z = (0.7392 - 0.6325) / √[0.6325 * (1 - 0.6325) / 1200] ≈ 2.8413

Now, looking up the z-score in a standard normal distribution table, we find the critical values for a two-tailed test at α = 0.01 to be approximately ±2.576.

Since our calculated z-score (2.8413) is greater than the critical value (2.576), we can reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, there is evidence to suggest that Drug A is useful in preventing UTIs because the proportion of patients who took Drug A and still got a UTI is significantly different from the average rate of UTIs for this population.

b. **Testing the Recovery Rate of Drug C:**

We want to test if the recovery rate for Drug C is different from the claimed success rate of 55%. We can use a hypothesis test for proportions. Here are the hypotheses:

- **Null Hypothesis (H0):** The recovery rate of those taking Drug C is equal to 55%.

- **Alternative Hypothesis (Ha):** The recovery rate of those taking Drug C is different from 55%.

We'll perform a two-tailed test at a significance level of α = 0.05.

Using the provided data:

- Proportion of recovery among those taking Drug C = (221 + 244) / 443 ≈ 0.9955

We can calculate the standard error for the proportion and perform the hypothesis test. I'll calculate the z-score and p-value for you:

Z = (0.9955 - 0.55) / √[0.55 * (1 - 0.55) / 443] ≈ 18.3841

The critical values for a two-tailed test at α = 0.05 are approximately ±1.96.

Since our calculated z-score (18.3841) is much greater than the critical value (1.96), we can reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, there is strong evidence to suggest that the recovery rate for Drug C is different from the claimed success rate of 55%.

c. **Testing the Recovery Rate of Drug B:**

We want to test if the recovery rate for Drug B is different from the claimed success rate of 55%. We'll perform a two-tailed test at a significance level of α = 0.1.

Using the provided data:

- Proportion of recovery among those taking Drug B = (221 + 244) / 444 ≈ 0.9919

We can calculate the standard error for the proportion and perform the hypothesis test. I'll calculate the z-score and p-value for you:

Z = (0.9919 - 0.55) / √[0.55 * (1 - 0.55) / 444] ≈ 17.7503

The critical values for a two-tailed test at α = 0.1 are approximately ±1.645.

Since our calculated z-score (17.7503) is much greater than the critical value (1.645), we can reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, there is strong evidence to suggest that the recovery rate for Drug B is different from the claimed success rate of 55%.

Select the SIX nutrients found in food. carbohydrates protein whole grains fat vitamins amino acids minerals sugar water


The six nutrients found in food are: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water.

What are nutrients?

  • "The nutrients are the components present in food that is required by our body for its normal growth and functions."

It is categorised into: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, roughage and water.

  • Proteins are body building food. It is made up of amino acids linked by a peptide bond. Main sources of proteins include: pulses, egg, fish, lean meats and yoghurt.
  • Carbohydrates are energy giving food. Its main sources are: potatoes, bread, cookies, etc.
  • Fats are also an energy giving food. Its main sources are: peanuts, almonds, olives, etc.
  • Vitamins are required by our body to fight against disease or illness. These are either water soluble (vitamin B and C) or fat soluble (vitamin A, D, E and K). Its main sources are mostly fruits and vegetables.
  • Minerals are needed by our body to perform various functions.
  • Roughage also known as dietary fibers are required to keep ourdigestive tract heathy and it reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Water is required by our body to maintain homeostasis and transport nutrients.

Hence, the correct answers are: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water.

To know more about nutrients here


amino acids

Explain why the wall test is best considered a coordination test.


By bouncing the ball to the wall, the person must coordinate what they see with their body so they will be successful at hitting the ball back to the wall. The wall test is coordination test between the eye, body and hands. If a person is not successful in repeatedly hitting the ball back to the wall it could be an indication of poor coordination.

The wall test is best considered a coordination test because when we throw anything or touching the wall we must coordinate with the eye and body.

Further Explanation:

Wall test used to check the fitness of an individual. In this, the wall is touched with an object or a person. For example, we can check belly fat through wall test. In this, we check the belly part of a body is touched first to the wall or her breast. If her belly touches to the wall first then she requires more exercise.

Coordination is the capability of an individual to move two or more body parts smoothly and efficiently. We can study the coordination typically by hand-eye or foot-eye movement.

Coordination test is used in fitness test to check the coordination between body and eyes. There are other tests also, for example, throwing power jump and vertical jump.

Wall test is considered a good example of coordination test because if we throw a ball to the wall the individual must coordinate what they see and movement with their body. If a person is not doing well in constantly hitting the ball back to the wall it could be a sign of poor coordination.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about component of health

2. Learn more about health product

3. Learn more about the factor that increases the risk of injury

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Fitness Test


Ball, coordination test, wall test, hand, eye, foot, power jump, vertical jump, fitness, belly, fat.

An easy way to reduce calorie intake during the week is to A. never eat after 6:00 PM
B. drink 12 glasses of water per day.
C. serve gravies, sauces, or dressings on the side.
D. completely eliminate bread and dairy from the diet.


With this situation, it is very difficult to choose between two options: 

A: never eat after 6:00 PM 
     With this option, it could prove to work after a certain time period, but what happens if you work overtime or end up having dinner past 6 PM? 

D: completely eliminate bread and dairy from the diet
     With this option, it is unclear whether it is specifically "bread and dairy" or an implication of "gluten and dairy." If it is the former, then this would be an okay option, but an even better option to choose the latter. 




What are the four essential components of effective refusal


The four essential components of effective refusal skills are: Clear and assertive communication, Saying "No" firmly, Providing a reason and Alternatives or suggestions

  1. Clear and assertive communication: The ability to express oneself clearly and assertively is essential in refusal skills. This involves using firm and confident language to communicate one's decision.
  2. Saying "No" firmly: Being able to say "No" firmly and without hesitation is crucial in refusing unwanted or potentially harmful offers or requests.
  3. Providing a reason: Offering a brief and honest explanation for the refusal can help reinforce one's decision and make it more understandable to the other person.
  4. Alternatives or suggestions: Offering an alternative option or suggesting a different activity can show that one values the relationship while still declining the initial request.

By combining these components, individuals can effectively and respectfully refuse offers or peer pressure, helping them make positive choices and maintain their personal boundaries.

To know more about effective refusal skills follow the link:


The complete question is:

What are the four essential components of effective refusal skills?

Four essential components of effective refusal be firm, repeat if necessary, give off appropriate body language, and dont change your mind make an excuse if needed.