What is the meaning of the phrase "getting up there in years" in this sentence? My dog and I would run three miles every day when he was young, but we've shortened the distance to one mile now that he is getting up there in years.1) old2) lazy3) tired4) cranky


Answer 1


1) old


In the sentence, the phrase "getting up there in years" means that the dog is growing old. First, the speaker mentions that he or she and the dog used to run three miles each day when the dog was young. Secondly, the speaker makes use of the work but to indicate a contrast -that the dog has aged- so they run a shorter distance now -one mile.

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The answer is ethos.


The writer is trying to convey to the reader and people of the audience that our children are going to need a better education system and things to provide for the the future.

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Please can come with different sorts of prefixes, such as "un", "out", "over", "self" and "well".

Examples: "This was an unpleasant surprise". In this sentence we have the prefix "un", meaning that this wasn't a pleasant surprise, that it was a negative surprise.

"You really shouldn't overplease your daughter". In this sentence the prefix "over" shows that not only do the parents please their daughter, but they also please her in a high degree.

A prefix refers to the group of letters that can be added in the beginning of a root word that may or may not change the meaning of the new word. Some of the examples of prefixes are un & dis that means not, mis that means wrong or wrongly, sub that means under, pre that means before in time and a lot more. Some examples of root words with prefixes are the following, undisclosed, dishonest, misspell, subway, prenuptial and others.

Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Is the verb singular or plural? Perhaps animals in the zoo __________ more frequent naps than those in the wild.

takes, singular

take, plural

takes, plural

take, singular


Perhaps animals in the zoo take (plural) more frequent naps than those in the wild.
When you say "takes" that won't sound right in your ear. So it is B)

Hope this helps
B. Take, plural. This is because the word"animals" is plural and the verb "take" is refering back to the animals.

What is a typical example of gothic character


This genre comprises characters who evoke sensations of fear in the reader, such as vampires, madmen, ghosts, or criminals.

What is Gothic Character ?

who are bad or supernatural and tied to the idea of death. Human heroes who battle against bad characters can also be included as characters.

The 18th century saw the beginning of the lengthy tradition of gothic literature. Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto, which was released in 1764, is regarded as one of the founding works of the genre and is credited with being the first Gothic novel.

It narrates the tale of Lord Manfred and the alleged family curse that manifests itself after his son is killed by a falling stone helmet on the day of his wedding. The incident appears to ignite an enigmatic pattern of curses andAccidents that throw the novel's characters into total turmoil.

Gothic features consist of the following:

  • A castle setting; a mystic and suspenseful mood;
  • The castle or its residents, past or present, are mentioned in an old prophecy.
  • Visions, portents, and omens.
  • Events that seem supernatural or otherwise puzzling.
  • High, even exaggerated feeling.
  • women who are in need.

Learn more about Gothic character here



Gothic characters mostly dress in black in the movies and they are those playing the roles of evil in the movies especially on horror movies. Example of a gothic character is Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies. Hope it helps! ;)

a. regular
b. to spread throughout
c. to continue to try
d. to open


B.It spread throughout something 
Your answer is b. to spread throughout.
If we look at the meaning of Permeate we get that it is meaning to spread throughout, or to spread in general. Leaving out answer with B.

What can you learn from learning how to ride your bike?


that depends on how you riding a bike if you doing it in a stunt act that can hurt others or the proper way to show