In a response of two to three sentences, explain how these lines contribute to Beowulf's characterization as a hero. \"To all the earlmen after evenlight's glimmer. 'Neath heaven's bright hues hath hidden its glory. This my earls then urged me, the most excellent of them,. Carles very clever, to come and assist thee,. Folk-leader Hrothgar; fully they knew of. The strength of my body.\"


Answer 1

In theending, it expresses his great strength which is a distinction for most heroes.On the other hand, it supports the idea that he’s a well-known person becauseof all the people who knows his true strength, which is also a distinction thatmost heroes possess.

Answer 2
Answer: It clearly state the its power and strength that could compare to a heroes standard value and also it implies that his greatness is famous among every people around him and could tell how great he was what makes him one of those idols that they think so. 

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This should be stereotyping because it would be implying that all people of that age, occupation, race, or similar, are the same and belong in the same group.

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hope it was helpful

True hopefully if it wasnt

The underlying meaning, or universal truth, found in a story is the story’s __________.


The appropriate response is the theme. In contemporary scholarly reviews, a subject is a focal theme a content treats. Topics can be separated into two classes: a work's topical idea is the thing that perusers "contemplate" and its topical articulation being "what the work says in regards to the subject".
The underlying meaning, or universal truth, found in a story is the story’s : ThemeTheme basically a central topic from which a story was built around. Theme heavily influenced character's thought and behavior throughout the story. and often carried out universal truth within it.

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Answer: A: when you are trying to persuade.

 Connotation might be used in a writing with the purpose to persuade because a word carries a variety of associations and meanings besides the denotation, which is the literal meaning found in the dictionary. The connotative meaning helps create emotions in the reader, and, if the word is chosen correctly, it can be a point in persuasion.

when you are trying to persuade, specifically with emotion

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Moral absolutism refer to an ethical view that particular actions are intrinsically right or wrong. Since you provide no options, The example of moral absolutism would be likely the one that define an action as 'morally right or wrong.'. For example, search sentence that has similar meaning with : "All homosexual people will burn in hell" <<<< example of moral absolutism

hope this helps.

Which additional words in the sentence should be capitalized? The island of santa catalina is off the coast of california. Choose all answers that are correct. A. Santa B. Catalina C. California D. Island I don't know this one, GUM isn't my best subject


The words to be capitalized are A) Santa B) Catalina and C) California. 

All these name of places are part of a noun. And remember that all nouns have to be Capitalized. 
A,B,and C all should be capitalized. Hope i helped:)