What are the tips how to learn Spanish fast?


Answer 1
Answer: I learned Spanish quickly by having movements with each word and studying the words out loud
Answer 2
Answer: Learn new words/phrases and test yourself or say them to someone every now and again, or you could also download an app that helps you revise Spanish (linguascope is also a good website for this)

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Please select the answer that best completes or defines the sentence.Es necesario tener

1. para conducir un coche
2. Save and Exit
3. una licencia
4. un sedan
5. las llantas/gomas
6. un coche deportivo
7. el tanque​


Answer is number 3
Una licencia
The answer is number 3. Una licencia which is a license

Help pls :) brainliest involved





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Stop using this program and do ur own work


Las calles cruzan en el _____ de calles.


Correct answer:


Basically, el cruce means the intersection. So this sentence simply means that the streets meet where they intersect. On the other hand, calles is a feminine plural noun, so you must use the definite articles that also matches this form, which is las. Furthermore, cruzan is the conjugation of the verb cruzar for the third person plural in the simple present. Finally:

Las calles cruzan en el cruce de calles

Thats the answer

Choose the most logical choice to complete each sentence. (that, way over there) tigre

A) este
B) aquél
C) ese
D) esa


Correct answer:

B) aquél

All the words from the list are demonstrative adjectives. The purpose of this type of adjectives is to demonstrate a quality about the noun they modify and that quality is the location in respect to the speaker or the listener. In this way, aquel indicates something that is far away from both the speaker and the listener, hence the tiger is far away from both the speaker and the listener, that is, aquel tigre.

The answer is aquél tigre.