Juanita estudia mucho y saca buenas notas. Rita estudia poco y Teresa nunca estudia. Juanita es ________ estudiosa de las tres.A. la menos
B. tan
C. la más
D. la mejor


Answer 1
Answer: La mas estudiosa letter c
Answer 2


la más


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(05.03) Help me please!! Lee el fragmento y contesta la pregunta. Read the excerpt and respond to the question.Tengo muchas impresiones finales de la gran empresa de la conquista de México, en la que menos de seiscientos esforzados españoles sometimos a un imperio nueve veces mayor que España en territorio, y tres veces mayor en población. Para no hablar de las fabulosas riquezas que aquí hallamos y que, enviadas de Cádiz y Sevilla, hicieron la fortuna no solo de las Españas, sino en la Europa entera, por los siglos de los siglos, hasta el día de hoy.

El naranjo—Carlos Fuentes

What does the author think about the conquest of Mexico?

Fuentes thinks the conquest was easy and beneficial for the Mexican people.
Fuentes thinks that Spanish and Mexican people shared resources and wealth.
Fuentes thinks that the conquest was easy for Spain due to their big army and the small Mexican population.
Fuentes thinks that Spain would have not been wealthy without their easy victory over the Aztecs.


D. Fuentes thinks that Spain would have not been wealthy without their easy victory over the Aztecs.


Fuentes thinks that Spain would have not been wealthy without their easy victory over the Aztecs.


Got it right on the test.

Hope this helps :)

______ compras unos refrescos?





Escoge todo lo que se encuentra en Honduras. San Pedro Sula Apaneca Diego Rivera playas en el mar Caribe el jarabe tapatío El Tango museo Chiminikee ruinas de San Andrés música norteña Roatán ruinas del Tazumal naufragio Águila ruta artesanal pampas



The answer is:

San Pedro Sulas

Playas en el mar Caribe

Museo Chiminike



San Pedro Sulas is a city in Honduras. It´s the capital of the Cortés department, and the 2nd largest city in the country, after the country's capital Tegucigalpa. Also, it is the country's primary industrial center.

Playas en el mar Caribe (beaches in the Caribbean sea): Honduras´s coasts extend for 823 km (511 miles), out of which 669 km (415 miles) face the Caribbean Sea, and 163 km (101 miles) face the pacific ocean in the Fonseca Gulf. So Honduras has many beaches in the Caribbean Sea.

Museo Chiminike (Chiminike Museum): Is located in the country's capital city Tegucigalpa, and it is a modern and interactive museum mainly for children, inaugurated in 2003 . Features interactive science and history exhibits for children.

Roatán: It's the biggest of the Bay Islands, a group of islands off the coast of Honduras, one of the 18 departments of the Honduras republic. It´s located in the Caribbean Sea, about 65 km (40 miles) from the northern coast of Honduras. It's located on the southern edge of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, the second largest barrier reef in the world.

The ones that are NOT found in Honduras

Apaneca Is a town of the department of Ahuachapán, in El Salvador.

Diego Rivera was a Mexican painter.

Jarabe Tapatío, is a traditional dance of Mexico, known as the country's national dance.

El Tango is a music style and dance that originated from European immigrant populations in Argentina and Uruguay.

Ruinas de San Andres is a Mayan archeological site located in El Salvador.

Musica Norteña is a popular mexican music genre from Northern Mexico.

Ruinas de Tazumal is a Mayan archeological site located in El Salvador.

Naufragio Águila: The "Águila de Acero" (Steel Eagle) ship, from Honduras´s navy didn't sink, but it was the ship in charge of search and rescue of the sinking of "Captain Waly" ship, a fishing ship, near the coasts of Honduras, on July 2019.

Ruta artesanal Pampas, The Pampas are fertile south american lowland, located in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. The term Pampa means Plain, and it's a vast natural plain region.


The answer is:

San Pedro Sulas

Playas en el mar Caribe

Museo Chiminike



Match 1,2,3 to a,b,c1. Si yo estuviera en el Caribe
2. Si yo fuera a Valencia
3. Si yo tuviera mucho dinero

A. yo viajaría por todo el mundo.
B. yo probaría un vaso de horchata.
C. yo nadaría en un mar de agua clara.


Number 3 would be A
Number 2 would be B
Number 1 would be C

Es increíble que tú estás aquí. Correct Incorrect


Is incorrect.
The correct sentence should go like this.

Es increíble que tú (estés) aquí.




for it to be grammatically correct estás should be estés

Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. Ayer yo (cantar) una canción.voy a cantar


Ayer yo cante una canción.