Given the acquisition environment and circumstances described in the BSVD Program documents, do you recommend contracting without providing for full and open competition for the BSVD bio-sensor contract? Preface your response with either of the following: "Yes, we recommend contracting without providing for full and open competition" or "No, we do not recommend contracting without providing for full and open competition." Note: References to the specific FAR exceptions to full and open competition are not necessary, as these will be addressed in question 2(b). Focus your response on the facts presented in the case and what you find appropriate in relation to conducting full and open competition or limiting competition. Provide at least three facts from the case that support your rationale and explain how these facts lead to your conclusion.


Answer 1


No, we do not recommend contracting without providing for full and open competition. There is sufficient evidence that the necessary BSVD is only available from the original source, NanoTech, and that use of any other contractor would create unacceptable delays in fulfilling the need.

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I'm stuck on this Java exercise problem and don't know how to organize my code with proper formatting and it's not helping that I'm pretty terrible at logic. I can't figure out how to return the number of spaces to be displayed in the main method.


In your "count spaces method" before the for loop, you want to declare an int variable (let's call it spc)

then, each time you find that charat, spc++.

also, the string must be declared in the main method, not the spaces count method.

The actual code:

public class CountSpaces{

public static void main(String[] args){

String instring = "(your quote here)";

int spaces = calculateSpaces(instring);

System.out.println("The number of spaces is " + spaces);


public static int calculateSpaces(String in){

int spc = 0;

for(int i= 0; i<in.length; i++){

if(in.charAt(i)== ' '){




return spc;



that should be it.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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The load instructions in the ALU input registers take the 5 nsec, and tuns the ALU and this takes the 10 nsec and thus stores the result back into the scratchpad registers and this takes 5 nsec. The data path cycle in it is 20 nsec.

The total time is 20 nsec for one cycle.

To calcualte the MIPS, divide one second with 20 nsec.

Millions of instructions per second (MIPS) = (1*10^9 nsec)/20 nsec = 50,000,000 nsec

Therefore, the maximum number of MIPS this machine is capable of in the absence of pipelining is 50 MIPS.


Discuss thefactors that are vital to achieve clarity in themessage?



The clarity factor suggest that if there is lack of clarity communication can do a great deal of damage. The Clarity Factor is a perfect example of a well chosen words and well written sentences can get the most complicated in the message across the number of people in the least amount of the time.

The factors that are vital to achieve clarity in the messages are:

  • Your mind has to process everything that create space cross your vision. If your home and your work environment is messy, then it results in brain messy. So, be clear with your thoughts and vision.
  • Passionate about your work and life and then create thoughts.  
  • When you are writing just write, be focused with your work.

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B: the responsible person or organization and the website URL
C: the responsible person or organization, date accessed, and URL
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C: the responsible person or organization, date accessed, and URL


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What are you asking for

An 'array palindrome' is an array, which, when its elements are reversed, remains the same. Write a recursive function, isPalindrome, that accepts a tuple and returns whether the tuple is a palindrome. A tuple is a palindrome if: the tuple is empty or contains one element the first and last elements of the tuple are the same, and the rest of the tuple is a palindrome



Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.

#define function

def isPalindrome(test):

#set the if condition to check tuple is empty


   return True

#Check the tuple contain 1 element


   return True

#check the element of tuple is palindrome or not



   #check first last element is equal or not

   if(test[0]==test[lenth-1] and isPalindrome(test[1:lenth-1] ) ):

   #then, return true

     return True



   #Return False,

     return False

#define tuple type variable and initialize


#print and call the function





Here, we define a function "palindrome()" and pass an argument in its parameter, inside the function.

  • Set the if conditional statement to check the following tuple is empty or not if the tuple is empty then, it returns true.
  • Set the elif conditional statement to check the following tuple containing one element, then it returns True.
  • Otherwise, we set the length of the tuple in the variable "lenth".
  • Then, set if conditional statement to check the first and the last element of the tuple is the same then, returns true.
  • Otherwise, it return false.