Find the ΔH for the reaction below, given the following reactions and subsequent ΔH values: PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) P4(s) + 6Cl2(g) → 4PCl3(g) ΔH = -2439 kJ
4PCl5(g) → P4(s) + 10Cl 2(g) ΔH = 3438 kJ


Answer 1

The value of  ΔH will be 249.75 KJ.

To obtain the reaction :

PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

We have to add the given reactions and then divide it by 4.

(i) adding the reactions

  P4(s) + 6Cl2(g) → 4PCl3(g) ΔH = -2439 kJ

 4PCl5(g) → P4(s) + 10Cl 2(g) ΔH = 3438 kJ

we get:

  4PCl5(g) → 4PCl3(g) + 4Cl2(g),  ΔH = 3438 - 2439

(ii) dviding by 4

  PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)  ,  ΔH = (3438 - 2439)/4

 ΔH = 249.75 kJ is the required enthapy.

Learn more about enthalpy:

Answer 2


The value of \Delta H for the desired reaction will be 249.75 KJ.


The desired reaction is shown below

\textrm{PCl}_(5)\left ( g \right )\rightarrow \textrm{PCl}_(3)\left ( g \right )+\textrm{Cl}_(2)\left ( g \right )

The desired reaction can be obtained by adding the given reactions and then dividing both sides by 4.

P_(4)\left ( s \right )+6Cl_(2)\left ( g \right )\rightarrow 4PCl_(3)\left ( g \right ) \n4PCl_(5)\left ( g \right )\rightarrow P_(4)\left ( s \right )+10Cl_(2)\left ( g \right )

Net Enthalpy change for the desired reaction

\displaystyle (3438-2439)/(4) \textrm{ KJ} = 249.75 \textrm{ KJ}

\Delta H = 249.75 \textrm{ KJ}

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the answer would be Gas B


Gas B: 5 liters at 10 °C


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Answer:by checking for voltage with a neon tester


Hey There!

The device used to determine if there is energy in a wire is called a clamp meter, this device would detect if there are any presents currents in the wire. In order to use this device, you would simply have to attach it on the wire you are testing for.

Another device used to detect energy from wires is called a a non-contact voltage detector. While this device does not operate on all types of wires, it is solely created for AC circuits. Though, it is not preferred to manage the wire as this device sometimes proves to not be very reliable.

Thank you for posting your question with Brainly!

Sediments are almost always deposited in flat layers. Does it appear that forces in the Earth affected the rock layers in this region? What clues do you have?



Explanation: Sediments or sedimentary rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks broken through the agents of denudation such as air, ice, water flow which carries the particles and deposits it, the accumulation of one layer on the others is called DEPOSITION. As the deposits keeps building, LITHIFICATION occurs which involves overburden pressure acting on the sediments in layers.

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Sometimes clothes removed from the dryer cling together. What kinds of charges are on the clothes ?


The answer is "opposite charges."

Final answer:

When clothes are removed from the dryer and cling together, it is because static electricity is created from the clothes rubbing together in the dryer. This results in an imbalance of electrical charge on the clothes, with some having a net positive charge and others a net negative charge, which makes them attract and stick to each other.


When clothes are removed from the dryer and they cling together, this is due to the presence of static electricity. Static electricity occurs when materials are rubbed together, causing an exchange of electrons. This exchange results in the materials being electrically charged. In the case of your dryer, the process of tumbling and rubbing the clothes together can strip electrons from the clothes and deposit them on other pieces.

This creates an imbalance in charge, leading to some clothes having a net positive charge and others with a net negative charge. The positively charged clothes are attracted to the negatively charged ones, and this attraction causes the clothes to stick together. The force that brings these different charged clothes together is called electrostatic force. If the clothes are damp, the presence of water molecules can suppress the charge, reducing the static cling.

Learn more about Static Electricity here:


Which of the following is NOT something that Earth's atmosphere protects us from? A. meteoroids B. ultraviolet light C. greenhouse gases D. dangerous particles from space



The correc answer is C. greenhouse gases.


The atmosphere is a layer of gases that surrounds our planet and is one of the essential elements for life on it.

The atmosphere protects us from harmful solar radiation from the Sun. The Sun, in addition to light and heat (infrared radiation), emits other radiation such as gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays that are harmful to life. These harmful radiations are absorbed by the atmosphere.

The atmosphere also protects us from the impacts of meteorites. These are from outer space are attracted by gravity and fall on the earth's surface. Upon coming into contact with the gases of the atmosphere, at high speed, the friction causes them to heat up so much that they become incandescent and end up disintegrating, avoiding reaching the ground. Only the largest (rare) can pass through the atmosphere and reach the ground.

Something similar happens that with meteorites occurs with the dangerous particles of space.

Greenhouse gases contribute, to a greater or lesser extent, to the increase of the greenhouse effect, since they are capable of absorbing the heat energy carried by long-wave radiations that are reflected by the Earth's surface.This phenomenon prevents the solar energy constantly received by the Earth from returning immediately to space and causing the temperature of the air near the ground to rise. Then there are changes in the climate such as sea level rise, changes in rainfall, disappearance of forests, extinction of organisms and problems for agriculture.

So the correc answer is C. greenhouse gases.

the answer in C. Greenhouse Gases. Greenhouse Gases is caused by the trapped heart in the atmosphere harming us which we will always have. hope this helped