A 15.0 g piece of copper wire is heated, and the temperature of the wire changes from 12.0oC to 79.0oC. The amount of heat absorbed is 775 cal. What is the specific heat of copper?


Answer 1


The specific heat of the copper is 0.771 cal/ grams °C


Step 1: Data given

Mass of the piece of copper = 15.0 grams

The temperature of the wire changes from 12.0 °C to 79.0 °C

The amount of heat absorbed is 775 cal

Step 2: Calculate the specific heat of copper

Q = m*c*ΔT

⇒with Q = the heat absorbed = 775 cal

⇒with m = the mass of the copper = 15.0 grams

⇒with c = the specific heat of copper = TO BE DETERMINED

⇒with ΔT = The change in temperature = 79.0 °C - 12.0 °C = 67.0 °C

775 cal = 15.0 grams * c * 67.0 °C

c = 0.771 cal/gm °C

The specific heat of the copper is 0.771 cal/ grams °C

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Hope this helped! Have a good day!

Name the following : [Ni(NH3) 4(H2O)2(NO3)2​


Any member of the family of chemicals known as coordination compounds has a core metal atom that is surrounded by nonmetal atoms or groups of atoms, known as ligands, that are connected to it by chemical bonds. The name of the compound is tetraaminodiaquanickel (II)nitrate.

The additional molecular compounds known as coordination compounds are those that are stable in both the solid and dissolved states. In these compounds, ions or molecules connected by coordinate bonds connect the main metal atom or ion.

Coordination compounds are used in both vital catalytic processes that lead to the polymerization of organic molecules like polyethylene and polypropylene as well as hydrometallurgical processes that remove metals like nickel, cobalt, and copper from their ores.

To know more about Coordination compounds, visit;



In 100 grams of sweet peas there are 14.5 carbohydrates,5.7 grams of sugars,5.1 grams of dietary fiber, 5.4 grams of protein and 0.4 grams of fat what is the percent composition of each?


14.5 % carb
5.7% sugar
5.1% fiber
5.4% protein
0.4% fat

C=46.67%, H=4.48%, N=31.10%, O=17.76%.
The molecular weight is 180.16g/mol.






In this case, since the determination of an empirical formula is covered by first computing the moles of each atom as shown below:

n_C=(46.47g)/(12g/mol)=3.9mol\n\n n_H=(4.48g)/(1g/mol) =4.5mol\n\nn_N=(31.10g)/(14g/mol) =2.2mol\n\nn_O=(17.76g)/(16g/mol) =1.1mol

Now, we divide each moles by the fewest moles (those of oxygen), to obtain the subscripts in the empirical formula:

C:(3.9)/(1.1)=3.5 \n\nH:(4.5)/(1.1)=4 \n\nN:(2.2)/(1.1) =2\n\nO:(1.1)/(1.1) =1

Thus, the empirical formula, taken to the nearest whole subscript is:


Whose molar mass is 180.16, therefore the empirical formula is the same to the molecular one.

Best regards!

Two identical sister chromatids are held together at whatregion on a duplicated chromosome?
a Chromatin
b Centromere
C Centriole
Check it


  • After DNA duplication, the chromosome becomes composed of two identical structures, called sister chromatids, which are joined at the centromere area.

Final answer:

Sister chromatids are held together at the centromere on a duplicated chromosome. The centromere serves as the point of attachment. Chromatin and centrioles do not serve this function. The correct option is b) Centromere.


Two identical sister chromatids are held together at the centromere on a duplicated chromosome. The centromere serves as the point of attachment for sister chromatids. During cell division, the spindle fibers attach themselves to the centromere to pull apart the sister chromatids into two separate cells. This process helps ensure that each new cell receives an identical and complete set of chromosomes. Neither chromatin nor centriole holds sister chromatids together. Chromatin refers to the material chromosomes are made up of, which includes DNA and protein, while centrioles are involved in cell division. In summary, the precise answer to your question is option b) Centromere.

Learn more about sister chromatids here:



What are two causes of soil loss?​


Answer: The agents of soil erosion are the same as of other types of erosion for example water, ice, wind, and gravity. Soil erosion is more likely where the ground has been disturbed by agriculture, grazing animals, logging, mining, construction, and recreational activities.Basically what I mean is some causes of solid loss is mining, construction