Who is the president of turkey?


Answer 1
Answer: Reception Tayyip Erdogan

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How long did it take Henry Hudson to travel from the North Cape to the Hudson River


Final answer:

Henry Hudson's journey from North Cape to the Hudson River took place in 1609, but there are no exact records indicating the length of this voyage. The voyage's duration would have been influenced by the era's transportation methods and geographical conditions. For perspective, even in the 19th century, shorter trips took several days.


The English sea captain Henry Hudson was employed by the Dutch East India Company in the year 1609 when he set out exploring. The length of time that it took for Hudson's voyage, specifically from North Cape to the Hudson River, is not clearly mentioned in records. But, to provide some context, during that era, mode of transportation and geographical conditions would have significantly impacted travel durations.

Hudson was seeking a northwest passage to Asia, and he explored New York Harbor and the river that now bears his name, the Hudson River. Although his primary goal was to find a passage to Asia, the plentiful furs, especially coveted beaver pelts, he found in the region he explored became a reason to claim the land for the Netherlands.

Travel, even by sea, would not have been as fast-paced during Hudson's time as it is now. For reference, even in the 19th century, it took a minimum of 4 days to travel from Boston, Massachusetts, to Providence, Rhode Island. In consideration of the tools and technology available in the 1600s, Hudson's voyage from the North Cape to the Hudson River would have taken a considerable amount of time.

Learn more about Henry Hudson's voyage here:



Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?


Before the Europeans Arrived the Native American lived here (came from Asia) 

Final answer:

Before the arrival of Europeans, America was home to a diverse range of Indigenous peoples and societies. The first inhabitants likely migrated from Asia via a land bridge named Beringia about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. By the time of Columbus's arrival, the population was about seventy-five million, spread across over six hundred tribes and groups.


Before the arrival of the Europeans, a diverse array of indigenous peoples called America home. Great civilizations had already emerged, such as the complex Pueblo societies in North America (the Mogollon, Hohokam, and Anasazi) and the Eastern Woodland peoples. Other cultures, such as the Inuit and the Dene, were mostly hunter-gatherers, while groups like the Puebloans and the Creek were agricultural societies growing crops like maize.

The first inhabitants of America likely migrated from Asia via a land bridge named Beringia about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. This theory is supported by shared genetic markers found in Asians and Native Americans. Following the melting of glaciers, Beringia disappeared, forming the Bering Strait, and subsequent settlers are believed to have arrived by boat across this narrow strait. These early inhabitants established unique cultures across the Americas, displaying remarkable diversity in their societal structures, agricultural techniques, and cultural practices.

By the time Columbus arrived, the indigenous population of the Western Hemisphere was approximately seventy-five million. Over six hundred diverse tribes and groups existed in North America alone. However, the arrival of Europeans led to significant changes, with the native populations often displaced from their lands and undermined by superior European weaponry.

Learn more about Pre-Columbian America here:



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Why is resource culture dynamic?



Resource culture is dynamic since it is constantly chaging in its aspects.


Resource culture, especially the intangible change from time to time due to the manner in which they are trensfered among members. Means such as story telling, keep changing in its aspects from generation to generation according to the understanding of each group.

Unlike other things, people interact over time and adjust in different ways including adopting favourable new or foreign ways of life, hence, change which shows the dynamism in cultural resources.