Use the OUTLINE Method to
summarize this article:
Overview of the Text
Unterline the Mainline
Tracs a Sapating Detail
Line under a second Main Idea
Indicate the Supporting Detail
NO unnecessary details or
Explain the summary in
paragraph form


Answer 1
Answer: Can u show us the article so we know what to do? :)
Answer 2

Answer:I have that same exact thing from a packet at school


gawd I don’t know what do

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Answer: C. They, their and them do not qualify in the space.
that is ............. duh C what grade u n

Narrate an event in your life in a stream-of-consciousness. In doing so, you should, as James Joyce does in "Araby," explore a new concept, or show an epiphany. In other words, you are using a relatively simple story of commonplace events to discover a not-so-simple element of truth. Your narrative should be at least 250 words.


I woke up...

It was one of those days were I really had dreamed something at night. I was trying to remember the whole thing, but it felt like the more I tried, the more I forgot. I had little fragments in my memory: it was something about a dog, a Ferris wheel, and some sort of cupcakes...

I suddenly let go of the dream, when I looked at the clock and realized that I was late. Why did nobody tell me anything?, was the only thing I could think of. My backpack was on the floor for some reason; I quickly picked everything up and prayed I didn't forget a thing.

I found the clothes I was going to wear and put them on. In days like these, I usually have to skip breakfast, so I was trying to ignore the hunger that I was starting to feel. Bacon and pancakes would be great, my stomach seemed to say.

I ran into the kitchen and there was nobody there. So they left without me?

A lot of ideas started moving around inside my head: How can I get to school? Should I call someone? Is this a good excuse not to go? Will I get in trouble? And the most important one: Why did this happen?

I felt scared and excited at the same time, since this was the first time this happened to me. I even imagined what it would be like if I lived on my own in that house. Maybe they wouldn't come back. Maybe this is my life now...

Then I suddenly realized: Today it's Sunday. No school. We oversleep.

I wonder if I can get back to the dog, the Ferris wheel, and the cupcakes, without anyone noticing...

This story took place last year. I had two close friends at school. We used to go out together and had a lot of fun. We liked talkiing about our crushes at school. It was nice to keep secrets ! When Friend's Day came last year, we made plans to go out for drink because we wanted to celebrate our friendship. We had planned to go out in the evening, so in the morning I went out shopping ; I wanted to buy my friends a gift for Friends' Day. Although my pocket money was not much  ,  I wanted to buy  a nice gift. I had spent a lot of time walking around the shopping centre till I decided to buy some nice greeting cards. All the gifts were really expensive , so I got into the shop and picked up the most beautiful cards there. The evening came, we went out for a drink ; we exchanged gifts and we said "thank you". My friends looked at my cards and left them on the table. However, Ana put it in her backpack before we left the place. I could not see what my other friend, Sara, did with the card. Some days passed. It was the birthday of one of our class mates at school. On that day ,everyone in class was excited because it was Laura's birthday. During breaktime, Laura approached Ana and me and showed us the beautiful card Sara had given her. It was the card I had given Sara on Friend's Day! I felt awful! I learnt about disappointment and that friendship was something new; new but not nice.

Please help me on doing a personified sentence for , a dying rose ,a slow rain and big bear


The dying rose lowered its head as it released its petals.

In this sentence the dying rose is personified as having a head and also being able to release the petals.

The slow rain crept through the mountains fighting off the wildfires that blazed.

In this sentence the rain is personified as being able creep and fight.

The big bear scolded her cubs as they continued to wrestle in the cave.

In this sentence the bear is personified as scolding. Something only a person seemingly can do.

Personification is giving non-human things human-like traits. To personify something just make it do something you would.

The dying red rose was crying as it wilted away to nothing. The slow rain sung a tune as it dripped away until nothing remained.The bear screamed in angst as the hunter's spear peirced through its chest.

Write 10 Verbs, Noun, And adjectives in the passage.


First, you need to know how to identify verbs, nouns, and adjectives.

Verbs are action words. If someone is doing something, whatever they're doing is an action. Most verbs end in "ed" or "ing."

Nouns are people, places, things, or ideas, and can be singular or plural.

Adjectives describe things, like the purple dinosaur, the lively children, or the French woman (purple, lively, and French are adjectives, because they describe the dinosaur, children, and woman, respectively). If you're unsure as to whether it's an adjective or not, ask yourself if it gives you more details. For example, if a sentence says "three people," then "three" is the adjective, because it gives you more details than just saying "people."

1. estimate
2. lived
3. encountered
4. captured
5. are
6. kill
7. believe
8. shared
9. thought
10. is

1. rhinoceros
2. species
3. scientists
4. world
5. island
6. Borneo
7. Asia
8. poachers
9. powder
10. diseases

1. Sumatran
2. most endangered
3. southern
4. female
5. smallest
6. serious
7. mistakenly
8. three
9. hidden
10. last
A verb is a doing word. 10 examples are: 
Estimate, lived, encountered, captured, face, kill, ground, believe, cure and snapped. 

A noun is an animal, place, person, object etc. 10 examples are: 
Sumatran Rhinoceros, scientists, Borneo, Asia, poachers, horns, powder, photos, conservationists and footprints. 

An adjective is a feature of a noun. 10 examples are: 
Endangered, southern, female, safely, smallest, serious, mistakenly, hidden, last and captured. 

Mistakes are doorways to discovery by Sam Horn this is a quote and i want to know the meaning anyone help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I think this means that if you make a mistake, you can find some meaning in it and achieve something from it by discovering something new. Like that time I fell from a tree and found out that there were foxes in my backyard.
I think this means that from mistakes, you learn. If you make a mistake, you learn something out of it

Where is the colosseum?


Italian name: Colosseo

The Roman Colosseum or Coliseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was commisioned in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian. It was completed by his son, Titus, in 80, with later improvements by Domitian. 
The Colosseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design, with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The Coliseum is huge, an ellipse 188m long and 156 wide. Originally 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level.

Just outside the Coliseum is theArch of Constantine (Arco di Costantino), a 25m high monument built in AD315 to mark the victory of Constantine over Maxentius at Pons Milvius.

Vespesian ordered the Colosseum to be build on the site of Nero's palace, the Domus Aurea, to dissociate himself from the hated tyrant. 
His aim was to gain popularity by staging deadly combats of gladiators and wild animal fights for public viewing. Massacre was on a huge scale: at inaugural games in AD 80, over 9,000 wild animals were killed.