What are the three types of protists? When is an organism classified as a protist?


Answer 1


Protozoa, Algae and Fungus-like protists.  And by how they obtain nutrition.


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  • Law of Conservation of Energy law, first proposed and tested by Émilie du Châtelet, means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. For instance, chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy when a stick of dynamite explodes
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The phrase "by ordinary means" was added The phrase "by ordinary means" was added.

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-it can only be converted from one form to another.

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he did genectics and studied pea plants n he discovered fundermental laws

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b) Pump it up a little
c) Get a new basketball


All three answers would adequately solve your "flat basketball" problem, but the answer your teacher is probably looking for is a). When the air inside the basketball cooled off, the particles came closer together, causing the ball to deflate. If the air inside the ball was warmed back up, the particles would spread out more (the air would expand) and the ball would inflate again. 
Hope that helps!!
The cold made the particles clump to together so the answer could be a or b

The mass of a cm3(cube) stone is 180.a) calculate its density.
                                                             b) The stone is broken into two peaces. What is the                                                                      density of each piece.
                                                             c) The smaller piece weights 80g. Calculate its                                                                               Volume.


 Density = (mass) / (volume), no matter how large or small the sample is.

We can't calculate the density, because you left out the number for the volume.
Also, you didn't tell us the unit for the mass of 180.

a).  If the mass is 180 grams, then the density is 

                               (180 gm) / (volume) .

b).  No matter how many pieces you crush it into, and
no matter how large or small a piece is, its density is
the same.  (I just wish we knew what the density really is.)

c).  A piece may have 80 grams of mass.  It doesn't "weigh" 80 grams.

Since the density of the whole rock is  (180 gm) / (volume),
the density of any piece of it is  (180 gm) / (volume).

Multiply each side by (volume):   (Density) x (volume) = 180 gm

Divide each side by (density):        Volume = (180 gm) / (density)

We can't calculate the volume of an 80-gm piece, because
we don't know the density.  (That's because you left the volume
out of the question.)

Water Cycle: As _________ get too heavy to hold the liquid, the liquid droplets fall back to Earth.


The clouds become too heavy.
the cloud?  change get to gets  if so use textbook, textbook ALWAYS helps!

suppose a single light bulb burns out. How do you think this will affect light that are strung along a single wire


All of the other lights will go out. This is an example of a series circuit. 

Hope this helps! (:

well if a light burns out you change the bulb