A mothball, composed of naphthalene (C10H8), has a mass of 1.52g. How many naphthalene molecules does it contain?


Answer 1
Answer: The molar mass of naphthalene is calculated as follows,
                          10 x (12.01 g/ mol) + 8 x (1.01 g/mol) = 128.12 g/mol
Divide the given mass by the molar mass to determine the number of moles of naphthalene present in the ball.
                                  n =  1.52 g / 128.12 g/mol  = 0.01186 mole
Multiply the number of moles to number of moles per mole.
                                 (0.01186 mol) x (6.022 x10^23 molecules / mole) = 7.14 x 10^21 molecules

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You put two open cans of soda on the table. You took one can from the refrigerator and the other from your car. When you open them, which can of soda will lose the carbon dioxide more quickly and why?


The soda can from the car will lose CO2 more quickly. This is because of the kinetic energy and behavior of gas molecules under different temperatures. CO2 is more soluble in cold temperatures than hot. Cold temperatures minimize the kinetic energy of gas molecules; thus, preventing the gas from escaping the soda. This is why soda that comes from the refrigerator has more fizz or spirit than soda at room temperature.

Calcium reacts with water. This reaction is represented by the balanced equation below. The aqueous product of this reaction can be heated to evaporate the water, leaving a white solid, Ca(OH)2(s).Ca(s) + H2O(l) ==> Ca(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)

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- Calcium is more conductive than calcium hydroxide.

- Calcium hydroxide.

- Addition of more either calcium or water to the reaction vessel



In this case, based on the given reaction and information, calcium's electrical conductivity 0.298 106/(cm*Ω) which is a relatively high value compared to it its base has due to its large insolubility.

In addition, the name of the formed base is calcium hydroxide based on the IUPAC rules.

Moreover, the addition of more either calcium or water to the reaction vessel will generate more calcium hydroxide.

Best regards.

The aqueous product conducts electricity while the solid does not. Ionic solids do not conduct electricity, but ions dissolved in solution do.The chemical name of the base is calcium hydroxide.Increasing the temperature of the system would increase the rate of the reaction.

Find the final equilibrium temperature when 15.0 g of milk at 13.0 degrees c is added to 148 g of coffee with a temperature of 88.3 degreesc. assume the specific heats of coffee and milk are the same as for water (c = 4.19 j/g•c), and disregard the heat capacity of the container.


According to zeroth law of thermodynamics, when two objects are kept in contact, heat (energy) is transferred from one to the other until they reach the same temperature (are in thermal equilibrium). When the objects are at the same temperature there is no heat transfer.

So, at equilibrium, q_(lost)=q_(gain),  q_(lost)= q_(milk) + q_(coffee)

q=m×c×T, where q = heat energy, m = mass of a substance, c = specific heat (units J/kg∙K), T is temperature

q_(lost)= (15X13X4.19)+(148X88.3X4.19), (15+148)X4.19XT_(final)=(15X13X4.19)+(148X88.3X4.19)

T_(final)= 81.37 ° C

NaHCO3 (s) + HC2H3O2 (aq) = NaC2H3O2 (aq) + H2O (I) + CO2 (g)Using the above formula, if I used 0.100L of 0.83 M HC2H3O2 (aq) (0.83 mol per 1 L of solution), how much carbon dioxide would be produced?


         =.083 Moles of HC2H3O2
Mole ratio between HC2H3O2 and CO2 is 1:1
This means .083 Moles of CO2

Mass =Moles*Rfm of CO2

Final answer:

By utilizing stoichiometry, we can determine that the given volume and molarity of acetic acid (HC2H3O2) would produce approximately 3.65 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2). The calculation involves determining the moles of HC2H3O2 used, which equals the moles of CO2 produced, and converting that to grams using the molar mass of CO2.


The amount of carbon dioxide produced can be determined through stoichiometry, using the provided balanced chemical equation and molarity (M) of the acetic acid HC2H3O2. According to the balanced chemical equation, one mole of NaHCO3 reacts with one mole of HC2H3O2 to produce one mole of CO2. In other words, the moles of HC2H3O2 used equals the moles of CO2 produced.

First, calculate the moles of HC2H3O2 by multiplying the given volume (0.100 L) by its molarity (0.83 mol/L): 0.100L x 0.83 mol/L = 0.083 mol.

So, according to the stoichiometric ratio, 0.083 mol of HC2H3O2 would produce 0.083 mol of CO2. If you want your answer in grams, note that the molar mass of CO2 is approximately 44.01 g/mol. Multiply the moles of CO2 by its molar mass: 0.083 mol x 44.01 g/mol = 3.65g.

So, the amount of CO2 produced would be 3.65 grams.

Learn more about Chemical Stoichiometry here:



Other planets have an atmosphere, but Earth's is unique because it has large amounts of _____.nitrogen
water vapor


Earth has large amount of oxygen, which allows life to thrive on it. Other planets have significantly lower amounts of oxygen. Others have high concentration of hydrogen, and carbon dixoxide. They also have a very thin atmosphere, and thus very unregulated temperatures,

Other planets have an atmosphere, but Earth's is unique because it has large amounts of oxygen.

Discuss the function of a buffer. How will pH change when small amounts of acids or bases are added to the buffer solution?


Buffer solution is a blend that has the ability to prevent the pH of the solution from undergoing large variations. It is formed by a weak acid or base, and a salt of that acid or base.
Thus, the following species exist in this buffer solution:
H2CO3: present in great quantity, therefore, being a weak acid, it suffers little ionization;
H +: from the ionization of H2CO3;
HCO3-: also present in high quantity, from ionization of H2CO3 and dissociation of salt (NaHCO3);
Na +: from ionization of NaHCO 3;
If this solution is added a small concentration of acid, its ionization will occur, generating H + cations, which will react with the HCO3- anions present in the medium, giving rise to non-ionized carbonic acid. There is no change in pH.
If a base is added, OH- anions will be generated. These ions combine with the H + cations from the ionization of H2CO3. Thus, the OH- anions are neutralized, maintaining the pH of the medium.

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