A soccer ball is kicked horizontally off a bridge with a height of 36 m. The ball travels 25 m horizontally before it hits the pavement below. What was the soccer ball’s speed when it was first kicked


Answer 1


9.23 m/s


Let, the initial velocity be ux.

The horizontal velocity remans the same. So, time required, t = 25/ux

For vertical component, we know,

h = uy*t + (1/2)*g*t^2    [ g is positive because ball is falling downward ]

Putting in the values, we get,

36 = 0*(25/ux) + 1/2 * 9.81 * (25/u)^2

36 = 3065.625/u^2

u^2 = 85.15625

u = 9.23

[ If there's a problem with the solution, please inform me ]

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nothing, ATOMS lose or gain electrons to become IONS 
Two Na ATOMS lose 1 electron each and 1 S ATOM gains 2 electrons 
Since sodium ions each have a single positive charge (lacking one electron in its valence orbital) and sulfur ions each have a 2- charge (having two extra electrons in its valence orbital), the compound Na2S forms when two sodium ions are ironically bound to a central sulfur.

6) Suppose a student throws a pencil at the wall, and upon hitting the wall, the pencilbreaks in half. What happens to the original momentum of the pencil?


The originalmomentum of a pencil is distributed equally to the other half of

the pencil.

The pencil breaking into two is as a result of the internalforces acting in

opposite direction which caused the breakage.

The total momentum of a body before collision being equal to the total

momentum of the two objects after collision has occurred which is why the

pencil will have momentum distributed equally in this scenario.

Read more on brainly.com/question/20182620





  • For a collision occurring between object 1 and object 2 in an isolated system, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision. That is, the momentum lost by object 1 is equal to the momentum gained by object 2.
  • The above statement tells us that the total momentum of a collection of objects (a system) is conserved - that is, the total amount of momentum is a constant or unchanging value.
  • Since the forces between the two objects are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and since the times for which these forces act are equal in magnitude, it follows that the impulses experienced by the two objects are also equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.


(neglecting the impulse and force of gravity)

  • The net external force on the system is ZERO
  • The collision and the breakage that happens is PURELY due to the internal force which are equal and opposite.
  • When we consider the wall and the pencil together as a system , the net external force on the system is zero.
  • We also assume that the wall is very heavy and thus it remains at rest even after the collision.
  • Thus , according to the law of conservation of momentum,  the pencil must have the same momentum imparted to it initially.

Fifteen joules of heat are added to a cylinder with a piston. The system uses 7 joules of energy to raise the piston upward. By how much did the internal energy of the system increase?



8 J


Heat = work + change in internal energy

Q = W + ΔU

15 J = 7 J + ΔU

ΔU = 8 J

Which parts of the graph would increase if all of earth's polar ice melts? Which part would decrease?



the answer to the question is the part that is reflected by clouds and atmosphere 26%

Final answer:

If all of Earth's polar ice melts, the global sea level and average global temperature would increase, while the area covered by ice in the polar regions would decrease.


If all of Earth's polar ice melts, several parts of the graph would increase. One part that would increase is the global sea level. As the ice melts, the water would contribute to higher sea levels. Another part that would increase is the average global temperature. The melting ice would release more greenhouse gases, which would further contribute to global warming. Hurricanes and extreme weather events would also increase in frequency and intensity.

On the other hand, the part of the graph that would decrease is the area covered by ice in the polar regions. With the melting of the polar ice, the ice extent would significantly shrink, leading to decreased ice coverage over the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Learn more about Effects of melting polar ice here:



Use the term cell differentiation in a sentence


Stem cells begin to transfer into different types of cells in the human body in a process known as cell differentiation.

Cellular differentiation occurs throughout the cell development of a multi-cellular organism. It occurs when the cell changes from a simply zygote into a complex system of tissues and cell types. 

Stems cells are cells which have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. Stem cells serve as internal repair system in many tissues. When stem cells divide while undergoing cell differentiation, it can either retain being a stem cell or become another type of cell like muscle cell, brain cell, or red blood cell.

If the answer is for Ed genuity :

Fill in the blank below with the word that best completes the sentence.

(blank ) determine how cells are differentiated.

answer could be either :  ⇒ Genes, Gene, gene, genes

And object has a velocity of 9 m/s and a mass of 20 kg. What is the kinetic energy of this object


The kinetic energy of the object which is moving with velocity of 9 m/s and has a mass of 20 kg will be 810 joules.

What is Kinetic Energy ?

The energy possessed by the body by virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy. Mathematically -

E[K] = 1/2mv²

Given is an object that has a velocity of 9 m/s and a mass of 20 kg.

We can calculate the kinetic energy of the object by using the formula discussed above.

Mass [m] = 20 Kg

Velocity [v] = 9 m/s

Substituting the values, we get -

E[K] = 1/2 x 20 x 9 x 9

E[K] = 10 x 9 x 9

E[K] = 81 x 10

E[K] = 810 joules

Therefore, the kinetic energy of the object which is moving with velocity of 9 m/s and has a mass of 20 kg will be 810 joules.

To solve more questions on Kinetic energy, visit the link below-




k.e =1/2m(v)²








