When Jackson throws a tennis ball in a straight path, what two forces cause the ball to eventually stop moving?


Answer 1
After Jackson lets go of the ball, there are two forces on it
that influence what it's going to do.  They are gravity and
air resistance.

Air resistance is just plain friction.  As long as the ball continues
to move through air, it loses kinetic energy to the air and gradually
slows down.

While the ball is in the air, there are no other forces on it that cause
it to stop moving. 

If you absolutely must have another one, it doesn't occur until the
ball hits the ground.  But that isn't even another force.  It's just more
friction, from scraping against concrete and grass.

Gravity pulls the ball down to the ground.  But gravity doesn't make
the ball stop moving.  In fact, gravity tries to make it move faster and
faster, and gravity would succeed if it weren't for all the friction that
the ball encounters.

Answer 2

Well, the force that originally caused it to start moving was inertia, but the  forces that cause it to stop are friction and gravity. Gravity pulls the object towards the center of the Earth, causing it to slow and eventually stop, and friction is the resistance between the ball and the ground (or whatever).

Hope this helps!

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X-raysUV light waves
Sound waves
Earthquake waves
All of these have which characteristic in common?



They all have the characteristic "energy" in common


Energy is power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light / heat or to work machines. X-rays, UV Light Waves, Sound Waves, and Earthquake Waves all have energy.

The red sphere represents a proton. What is the atomic number of this atom


The atomic number is the number of protons of the atom.

So, just count the number of red spheres (protons) and that is the atomic number of the atom.

The protons are in the nucleus of the atom. Every single element is formed by a representative number of protons (atomic number).

For example, every hydrogen atom has one proton and its atomic number is one.

Every helium atom has two protons and its atomic number is two.

And so on. This permits you to order the elements in the periodic table in increasing atomic number.

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The atom is apparently too small for us to see,
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Please answer this if you know it. I looked through my materials and could not find it anywhere. Could you please explain what they answer is and why? I want to learn from this rather than just get an answer.



The earth rotates because of the way it was formed. Our Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago when a huge cloud of gas and dust started to collapse under its own gravity. As the cloud collapsed, it started to spin.

How do particle collisions transfer energy?How does conduction transfer heat in solids?

What is a conductor?

What is an insulator?


What is density?

Does density depend on temperature?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. I REALLY appreciate your help, and your time. U are the best! Once again, thanks and please answer all the questions. That would be helpful. Thank you sooooo much!!


Conduction is a method of Heat transfer in solids by mutual vibration of the solid particles. The heat particle of one solid receives the heat, and transfer it to the next solid particle to it. This is as a result of the particles touching each other and by a little vibration of the particles.

A conductor is a material that allows the transfer of heat in this case. It could also allow the transfer of electrical current. Example Iron, Copper.

An insulator is a material that is poor in transfer heat or electric current from one point to another. Example is Wood.

Convection is a method of heat transfer in liquid or air medium, by the actual or bulk movement of the heated medium. E.g transfer of heat from hotter air to cooler air, transfer of heat from hotter region of boiling water to the cooler region which is at the surface.

Density is simply mass per unit volume.
Density = Mass / Volume,  It's SI Unit  =  Kg/m3.

Does density depend on temperature?

This is a bit tricky. For liquids we should say yes, there is appreciable difference in density. For example we know that water has maximum density of 1 g/cm3 at  4 degrees Celsius.

But for solids, the density is not affected much, except at very high temperatures.

So in summary we should say Density is affected by temperature, because we know that the volume of the material would be affected and hence the density is affected likewise.

Sorry, the solution came a little bit late.

A rural mail carrier logged the mileage on the odometer at the start of the mail route as 31,500 miles. After 6.5 hours, the carrier returned the truck and recorded the mileage at 31,713 miles. What was the average velocity of the mail truck? Explain your reasoning.


Answer:32.77\ mi/hr



Initially Reading on the odometer is 31,500\ miles

Final reading on the odometer is 31,713\ miles

Time taken is t=6.5\ hr

average velocity =\frac{\text{Displacement}}{\text{time}}



v_(avg)=32.77\ mi/hr

Thus the average velocity of mail truck is 32.77\ mi/hr