Click to select the correct answers. Click again to unselect answers. Leave the incorrect answers unselected.What do you know about the law of conservation of energy? Check all the statements that are true according to this law.

The total amount of mass in a system remains constant regardless of the changes that take place in that system.
Energy is neither created or destroyed; it only changes form.
Half-way down the ramp, PE = 50J and KE = 50J.
In this energy pyramid, all the energy from level is transferred to the next level.
In a closed system, i.e., a system that isolated from its surroundings, the total energy of the system is conserved.


Answer 1

All the statements regarding law of conservation of energy are true except for statement 2 stating energy changes half way down the ramp.

What is law of conservation of energy?

According to law of conservation of energy, it is evident that energy is neither created nor destroyed rather it is restored at the end of a chemical reaction .

Law of conservation of mass and energy are related as mass and energy are directly proportional which is indicated by the equation E=mc².Concept of conservation of mass is widely used in field of chemistry, fluid dynamics.

Law needs to be modified in accordance with laws of quantum mechanics under the principle of mass and energy equivalence.This law was proposed by Julius Robert Mayer in the year 1842.Energy of an isolated and closed system remains constant.

Learn more about law of conservation of energy,here:


Answer 2



In a closed system..3


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