What was Vietnamization?
What was Vietnamization? - 1


Answer 1
Answer: #3 plan for escalating the war

They became more involved in it.
Answer 2
Answer: 3 plan for escalating the war is the answer I am pretty sure

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Analyze the responses of President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration to the problems of the Great Depression. How effective were these responses? How did they change the role of the federal government?


The correct statement will be that the USA suffered The Great Depression due to loans, advances and credits taken by the federal government over the limit they could actually afford.

The problems resulted into mandatory and forced actions like closure of the entire banking management for the period being, which changed the role of government to look after the finances and treasuries.

The Great Depression

  • Franklin Roosevelt, who happened to be the 32nd US President, was faced with an issue of the Great Depression during his reign because of the excess credit granted by the State Government.

  • To overcome the issue which also had resulted in excess inflation forced the government to close and maintain the entire banking system for a week to gain public confidence in the banking system.

  • After such cures, the entire structure was rebuilt and the preferences of proper management of government treasuries and finances were being dealt as a separate function.

Hence, the difficulties and the solutions that happened during the reign of Franklin Roosevelt, resulting in the Great Depression, are as aforementioned.

To know more about The Great Depression, click the link below.



How we got into the Great Depression - Credit, Over-speculation(farmers), etc.

Touch on Hoover's response and why FDR's was more practical

After FDR won the presidency in 1933, he received massive support from congress in passing legislation which became known as the "100 Days Congress"

Thesis: FDR administration was able to solve the problem of unemployment through his relief efforts, recovery, and reform through the banks and he changed the role of the government to be more controlling

• A national bank holiday: The day after his inauguration, FDR declared a "bank holiday," closing all banks in the country to prevent a collapse of the banking system. With the banks closed, Roosevelt took measures to restore the public's confidence in the financial systems; when the banks reopened a week later, the panic was over.

Ending the gold standard: To avoid deflation, FDR quickly suspended the gold standard. This meant that U.S. dollars no longer had to be backed up by gold reserves, which also meant that the government could print—and spend—more money to "prime the pump" of the economy.

Relief (unemployment)

- CCC (1933) Civilian Conservation Corps- To reduce unemployment, put 250,000 young men to work in rural conservation projects, mostly in national parks and forests.

• - PWA (1933) Public Works Administration- public works administration - Funded the construction of public works projects across the country, including schools, hospitals, airports, dams, and ports, as well as ships for the Navy and airports for the Army Air Corps.

- CWA (1933) Civil works Administration - Provided public works jobs at $15/week to four million workers in 1934.

- FERA (1933) Federal Emergency Relief Administration - Provided direct relief, training and work for unemployed Americans. It was abolished in 1935 and its programs folded into other agencies.

- NYA (1935) National Youth Administration - Provided part-time employment to more than two million college and high school students.

- WPA (1935) Works Progress Administration - Passed in April 1935, the WPA put unemployed people to work in public works projects across the country. It contained a much wider variety of programs than earlier agencies: theatrical productions (the Federal Theatre Project) and writing projects (the Federal Writers' Project), as well as the construction of schools, playgrounds, and other public facilities.


- AAA (1933) Agricultural Adjustment Act - The AAA provided relief to farmers by paying them to reduce production; this also helped to reduce crop surpluses and increase prices for crops.

- FHA (1934)

- NIRA - NRA (1933) National Industrial Recovery Act - One of FDR's more controversial measures, it created new agencies and regulations that tightened the relationship between government and business. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935.

- FSA - This act regulated the stock markets and preceded the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934, which continues to regulate U.S. stock markets to this day.


- FDIC - The Federal Deposit Insurance Commission backed all bank deposits up to $2500, meaning that most bank customers no longer had to worry that a bank failure would wipe out their life savings. The agency continues to insure American deposits today. Glass Steagall Act (1933) - The Glass-Steagall Act imposed regulations on the banking industry that guided it for over fifty years, until it was repealed in 1999. The law separated commercial from investment banking, forced banks to get out of the business of financial investment, banned the use of bank deposits in speculation. It also created the FDIC[link to "FDIC" passage below]. The effect of the law was to give greater stability to the banking system.

- TVA (1933) Tennessee Valley Administration - (provided jobs, electricity to area - resembles socialism) - The TVA provided electrification and other basic improvements the impoverished interior of the South.

- IRA - Indian New Deal (1934)

- SEC (1934) - Regulated stock market and restricted margin buying.

- Rural Electrification Administration - farmers (1935) - Encouraged farmers to join cooperatives to bring electricity to farms. Despite its efforts, by 1940 only 40% of American farms were electrified.

- SSA (1935) Social Security Act- pensions, etc. - Passed as the Social Security Act, it provided benefits (money) for the elderly and the unemployed. Social Security is still a central part of our public assistance program today.

- Wagner Act - 1935 - Originally known as the Wagner Act (after Robert Wagner, the senator who introduced the bill), gave organized labor rights to bargain collectively with businesses and forced employers to allow unionization of their employees.

- Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

i dont know if this helpped but igave it a try to help you out i really hope this helps yout

Why was slavery introduced to the British colonies?


British people wanted and made slaves work in their land. The slaves never got paid back. The owners got more money and bought more slaves. 

Isn't that horrible, making people work very hard ,but not paying them back? 

Because British wanted people to work in their land. they wanted workers and slaves were perfect for their condition and plus they didn't take a lot of money to work. there were a lot of plantation to be done so they took slaves. 

hope that answered ur question!!!!! 

Select the correct answer. What moderates much of the air temperature over northwestern Europe? A. North Sea Drift B. North Atlantic Drift C. Mediterranean Drift D. Black Sea Drift


The correct answer is - B. North Atlantic Drift.

The North Atlantic Drift comes as a result of the convergence of the Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current. It is a warm and moist current that brings a lot of rain, cloudy weather, and moderate climate, in the northwestern part of Europe, mainly in Ireland, the British Isles, and the coastal parts of Norway.

What are the 4 gospels in the bible


The most widely known examples are the four canonical gospels ofMatthew, Mark, Luke, and John which are included in the New Testament, but the term is also used to refer to apocryphal gospels, non-canonical gospels, Jewish-Christian gospels, and gnostic gospels 

p.s its very good that ur learning the bible :D


mattew mark luke and john


Which is not an accurate description of the West African kingdom of Songhai?A.
Its wealth came from trading its silver and opal for slaves from North Africa.

Most of its people continued to worship the old Songhai gods.

It was a prosperous trading region.

Around the year 1000, its rulers converted to Islam.


Well i gues you told the answer its A.

You totally didn't tell us it was A.

The answer is A.

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