What was the name of the place where the band practiced in Bud Not Buddy?


Answer 1

The place where the band practiced could be the Log Cabin, but it could also be Grand Calloway Station.

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Lines 11–18: What key concept does Soto develop? How do the sentences in these lines build on that idea?(PLEASE HELP BY READING THE HIGHLIGHTED TEXT AND ANSWERING IT)


In lines 11-18, Soto focuses on the concept of how men and women worked hard for many years until they retired. The put forward this fact by giving example of his grandfather and grandmother.


The highlighted lines are from a narrative essay 'One last time' written by Gary Soto. Here, Soto illustrates how he grew up in an immigrant family and how his Grandfather and Grandmother worked with blue collar jobs.

In these sentences, Soto provides details of his grandfather and grandmother's job. He states how both his grandma worked for whole twenty years and retired at the age of sixty five.

Why does Creon feel threatened by Antigone. Does this have anything to do with her womanhood



Because she disobeyed him and because she is the woman who did that


Before the beginning of the play Antigone's brothers,  Eteocles and Polynices, died fighting each other for the throne. Creon, the new king of Thebes, orders that Polynices' body mustn't be buried. Despite these orders and the protests from her sister, Antigone wants to honor her brother with the proper burial rites.

This boldness and policy violations are the reason why Creon felt threatened. He does not like that Antigone dared to disobey his rules, ignore his power and belittle him in the eyes of his followers. With this, he proves that he is vain, self-assured and not able to hear what his people want, probably because of the fear of losing the power and the throne.  He did not want to let Antigone go without the punishment even when his son, Haemon (that is ought to be married to Antigone), pleaded to spare her life. Creon criticizes his son of being on the woman’s side.

This is the reason why, yes, the threat Creon feels coming from Antigone has to do with her womanhood. Women had no right to possess any economic or social power in ancient Greek society and their roles were strictly bound to the house, family, and men. When Antigone openly defies Creon's orders, she is defying him as the man while also going against what is seen as the norm of society. Creon clearly says that he "won’t be called weaker than womankind”, and it is in this line that he openly admits his fear of being seen not only as ruler unable to make his people obey but also as the man who can't control the woman. Because of this, he fears the danger of being weaker than the womankind. Being weaker than the woman could be seen as shameful and the ultimate sign of the instability with the Greek society in which the story takes place.

What does 'sleeping with the enemy' mean?


It means to cooperate or agree because you must. Usually with someone who is not actually trustworthy.

Is this singular or plural? the children's faces


The answer is PLURAL.

Because children is plural and faces is plural. When something is singular, it is by itself, there is no more than the amount of one. Plural means two or more. 
It is plural because there is a s at the end.

Which sentence has an unclear or missing pronoun antecedent? A.
After talking to my friends, I realized it was not something I would enjoy.

My mother lost one of her earrings down the drain.

Henry paid for his movie ticket entirely with quarters.

The twins have made plans for their birthday party this weekend.


The sentence that has an unclear or missing pronoun antecedent is letter C.

You have been assigned to write an essay about why those convicted of drunk driving should get stiffer penalties. Which of these statements would be most appropriate to include?A) Drunk driving is an all-too common occurrence, especially on certain holidays.
B) Often a driver doesn't know that he is drunk until he gets behind the wheel.
C) Police can spot a drunk driver if he or she drives erratically or swerves unnecessarily.
D) Some drunk drivers don't think much of their convictions, because they are often just given a "slap on the wrist."


D) Some drunk drivers don't think much of their convictions, because they are often just given a "slap on the wrist."

The answer to this question is D.