An attacker is intent on disturbing the communication by inserting bogus packets into the communications. A. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by IPsec.
B. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by SSL.


Answer 1


A. No, it would not succeed.

B. Yes, the attack will succeed.


In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, packet strictly refers to a protocol data unit at layer 3, the network layer. So if an attacker wants to insert bogus/ fake packets this will happen at the network layer.

A. IPSec works on network layer (the IP layer) of the OSI model protecting and authenticating IP packets. It provides data integrity, authentication and confidentiality between participating peers at the IP layer.

Thus, inserting bogus packets into the communications by an attacker will not have any affect on security of a system which has IPSec security and therefore it will not succeed.

B. SSL/TLS is an application layer protocol that fits into layer 5 to 7 of the OSI model. However, an attack by inserting bogus packets into the communications will succeed as SSL only provides protection for layer 5 to 7 and not the network layer.

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What types of messages flow across an SDN controller’s northbound and southbound APIs? Who is the recipient of these messages sent from the controller across the southbound interface, and who sends messages to the controller across the northbound interface?


The types of messages which flow across an SDN controller northbound and southbound APIs are:

  • Messages that helps to develop flow tables
  • Messages that helps to interact between the controller and network control applications
  • Messages which help for the up-to-date view of the network's state, etc.

The recipient of these messages sent from the controller across the southbound interface, and who sends messages to the controller across the northbound interface are:

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  • Network control applications send the messages

What is Communication?

This refers to the exchange of information between different people or computers using a medium which also gives feedback.

Read more about communication here:

Answer and Explanation:

Messages flow across an SDN controller's:  

Northbound APIs:  

• Messages which help in read/write state of the network and developing flow tables within the  

state management layer.  

• Notifications for the state-change events.  

• The interaction between the controller and network control applications is done through the  

northbound interface.  

• Network control applications send messages to the controller.  

Southbound APIs:  

• Messages which help for the up-to-date view of the network's state like message for the  

attached link has gone up or down, new devices are joined the network, or indications of the  

device is up or down.  

• Controller's southbound interface is the communication among the controller and the controlled  

devices. Controlled devices are the recipients of the messages sent form the controller.  

In the Stop-and-Wait flow-control protocol, what best describes the sender’s (S) and receiver’s (R) respective window sizes?



The answer is "For the stop and wait the value of S and R is equal to 1".


  • As we know that, the SR protocol is also known as the automatic repeat request (ARQ), this process allows the sender to sends a series of frames with window size, without waiting for the particular ACK of the recipient including with Go-Back-N ARQ.  
  • This process is  mainly used in the data link layer, which uses the sliding window method for the reliable provisioning of data frames, that's why for the SR protocol the value of S =R and S> 1.

write a program that calculates the average of a group of 5 testscores, where the lowest score in the group is dropped. it shoulduse the following functionsa. void getscore() should ask the use for the test score, store itin a reference parameter variable and validate it. this functionshould be called by main once for each ofthe five score to be entered.


C++ program for calculating the average of scores

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int n=5;//As per question only 5 test scores were there

int numbers[5];

void getscore(int i)//defining function for taking input


cin >> numbers[i];

while(numbers[i]<0 || numbers[i]>100)//score should be between 0 to 100


cout<<"\nThe number should be between 0 to 100\n";




int main()//driver function


cout << "Enter 5 scores:\n";

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


getscore (i);//calling function each time for input


int s = 101;

double avg = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)//loop for finding the smallest


s = numbers[i] < s ? numbers[i] : s;


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) //loop for finding the Average


avg += numbers[i];


avg -= s;

avg /= 4;

cout << "Average of the four scores are: " << avg<< endl;//printing the output

return 0;



Enter 5 scores:






Average of the four scores are: 6.5

Write a C++ program to find the number of pairs of integers in a given array of integers whose sum is equal to a specified number.



int main()


   int A1= {5,3,4,8,9,0,7};

   int SArri1 = sizeof(A1);

  printf("Original array: ");


   for (int i=0; i < SArri1;i++)  

   printf("", A1[i] );


   int i, sum = 20, n= 0;

   printf("\nArray pairs whose sum equal to 20: ");


   for (int i=0; i<SArri1; i++)

       for (int j=i+1; j<SArri1; j++)

           if (A1[i]+A1[j] == sum)


              Printf(“\n”, array1[i])





  printf("\nNumber of pairs whose sum equal to 20: ",n)

   return 0;



First of all, you should create the array of integers, and put random numbers. Then you have to save in a constant the size of the array (in this  code is called SArr1) With a for you can print all the numbers that are on the array because then you will print all array pairs whose sum is equal to  a specified numer. in this code we are going to use 20.

then with a condition (if) you are going to compare one of number of the array with all the others and check if its equal to 20. If yes, it going to print the numbers that answer to that condition and it's going to add +1 to the variable n (for this you will need to use two bucles for)

Then you can print the number of pairs whose sum is equal to 20 by printing n

What are the different options in a page layout feature ? Select three options



Half Center Right Left, theres four


What is the center of mass of the assembly? a) X=‐11.05 Y=24.08 Z=‐40.19 b) X=‐11.05 Y=‐24.08 Z=40.19 c) X= 40.24 Y=24.33 Z=20.75 d) X= 20.75 Y=24.33 Z=40.24



C) X=40.24 Y=24.33 Z=20.75
