How are you going to use computer in your career/field?


Answer 1


Well, I am studying software engineering and ethical hacking, with the terms I mentioned it is very self explanatory how I use computers for those fields. In case it is still not self explanatory, we use computers to make software and websites accessing tools that can only be access using a computer and a working internet connection is required. Ethical hacking requires a computer to test the website or application security in order to do that we need a active internet connection in order to access the website itself.

Answer 2


i dont really know i am not really sure what i qill be in the future

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The program written in Python is as follows:

See Explanation section for line by line explanation

for n in range(100,1000):

     isum = 0

     for d in range(1,n):

           if n%d == 0:

                 isum += d

     if isum == n * 2:



The program only considers 3 digit numbers. hence the range of n is from 100 to 999

for n in range(100,1000):

This line initializes sum to 0

     isum = 0

This line is an iteration that stands as the divisor

     for d in range(1,n):

This line checks if a number, d can evenly divide n

           if n%d == 0:

If yes, the sum is updated

                 isum += d

This line checks if the current number n is a double-perfect number

     if isum == n * 2:

If yes, n is printed


When the program is run, the displayed output is 120 and 672

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Answer: Dark background and light text.


Assuming when you mean by "light text", you mean by white text. This should be able to be readable by users visiting the site.


Contrasting background and text


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Also i got it right on my test!

Write the prototype for a function named showSeatingChart that will accept the following two-dimensional array as an argument. const int ROWS = 20; const int COLS = 40; string seatingChart[ROWS][COLS]; Note: The two-dimensional array argument must be a const string array. You must include a second integer argument (scalar, not an array).



See explaination


void showSeatingChart(string seatingChart[20][40], const int ROWS, const int COLS){

for(int i = 0;i<ROWS;i++){

for(int j = 0;j<COLS;j++){

cout<<seatingChart[i][j]<<" ";





Write a program that uses a two-dimensional array to store the highest and lowest temperatures for each month of the year. Prompt the user for 12 months of highest and lowest. Write two methods : one to calculate and return the average high and one to calculate and return the average low of the year. These methods MUST be your original code. Your program should output all the values in the array and then output the average high and the average low.a) Function getData: This function reads and stores data in the two-dimensional array.b) Function averageHigh: This function calculates and returns the average high temperature for the year.
c) Function averageLow: This function calculates and returns the average low temperature for the year.
d) Function indexHighTemp: This function returns the index of the highest high temperature in the array.
e) Function indexLowTemp: This function returns the index of the lowest low temperature in the array."



The Java code is given below with appropriate comments


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Temperature {


  public static void main(String[] args)


      // declaring the temperatures array

      double[] maxTemp = new double[12];

      double[] lowTemp = new double[12];

      double avgHighTemp = 0;

      double avgLowTemp = 0;


      Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

      System.out.println("Please enter the highest and lowest temperatures");

      System.out.println("of each month one by one below\n");


      // inputting the temperatures one by one

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          System.out.print("Please enter the highest temperature for month #" + (i+1) + ": ");

          maxTemp[i] = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());

          System.out.print("Please enter the lowest temperature for month #" + (i+1) + ": ");

          lowTemp[i] = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());



      avgHighTemp = getAvgHighTemperature(maxTemp);

      avgLowTemp = getAvgLowTemperature(lowTemp);

      System.out.printf("Average high temperature is: %.2f\n", avgHighTemp);

      System.out.printf("Average low temperature is: %.2f\n", avgLowTemp);




  // method to calculate the average high temperature

  public static double getAvgHighTemperature(double[] highTemp)


      double total = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          total += highTemp[i];


      return total/12;



  // method to calculate the average low temperature

  public static double getAvgLowTemperature(double[] lowTemp)


      double total = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          total += lowTemp[i];


      return total/12;



Write a loop that continually asks the user what pets the user has, until the user enters "rock", in which case the loop ends. It should acknowledge the user in the following format. For the first pet, it should say "You have a dog with a total of 1 pet(s)" if they enter dog, and so on. Sample Run:
User enters:
lemur parrot cat rock
You have a lemur with a total of 1 pet(s)
You have a parrot with a total of 2 pet(s)
You have a cat with a total of 3 pet(s)


Following are the python program to use the loop to count the number of pets until the user enters the "rock":


c = 0#defining a variable c that initilzes with 0

p = input()#defining a variable p that input value

while p != 'rock':#defining a loop that check p value not equal to rock

  c += 1#using c variable for counts total number of pets

  print('You have a %s with a total of %d pet(s)' %(p,c))#print total number of pet

  p = input() #input value


Please find the attached file.

Program Explanation:

  • Defining a variable "c" that is initialized with 0, which is used to count input values.
  • In the next line, a "p" variable is declared as the input value from the user end.
  • A while loop is declared to check that the p-value is not equal to 'rock'.
  • Inside this loop, the "c" variable is used for counting the total number of pets, and a print method is used to print the total number of pets.
  • Another input method is used that works until the user inputs the value that is "rock".

Find out more about the loop here:

one of the 4 vs of big data that refers to uncertainty due to data inconsistency and incompleteness, ambiguities, latency, deception, and model approximations is . select one: veracity volume validity variety


one of the 4 vs of big data that refers to uncertainty due to data inconsistency and incompleteness, ambiguities, latency, deception, and model approximations is veracity.

What is veracity?

Conformity with truth or fact : accuracy. : devotion to the truth : truthfulness. 3. /vəˈraes.ə.ti/ the quality of being true, honest, or accurate: Doubts were cast on the veracity of her alibi. Synonyms.  Veracity is the quality of being true or the habit of telling the truth. He was shocked to find his veracity questioned. Veracity refers to the quality of the data that is being analyzed. High veracity data has many records that are valuable to analyze and that contribute in a meaningful way to the overall results. Low veracity data, on the other hand, contains a high percentage of meaningless data. This type of source is the starting point for any historian-researcher. Some written sources are forgeries.

To know more about veracity visit: