What are Three Ways in Which Mercado is important in the daily lives of residents in Latin America


Answer 1

The 'Mercado' is important in the daily lives of residents in Latin America because it is inexpensive, and its products are healthy and fresh.

What does the 'Mercado' mean?

The Spanish word 'Mercado' means market in English, and this place is very useful to buy any food product in Latin American cities.

  • The 'Mercado' is a unique place where we can find healthy and fresh foods, and generally, they are inexpensive compared to supermarkets.

In conclusion, the 'Mercado' is important in the daily lives of residents in Latin America because it is inexpensive, and its products are healthy and fresh.

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Answer 2
Answer: En el mercado las personas van a comprar la comida

Las personas pueden trabajar en el mercado

En el mercado hay mucha variedad de frutas y verduras

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d organizaron espero te ayude

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Hey, Mirelabejenari5!

1) When the anger goes out of the mother, there has the language neither the father, the tutor nor brake that corrects it"
2) Dejar la ira secar means let the anger dry

Hope this helped

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In this problem, we have the following function:


This is an exponential function. This type of function is given in the form:

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