List 3 pieces of evidence for the Earth’s spherical shape


Answer 1


1.time zones

2.The coriolis effect

3. triangles


1. day and night happen at different times at different places; it's always day somewhere and night another.

2. the coriolis effect means freely moving things (like cannonballs or hurricane  winds) are deflected to the right - but only if your north of the equator if you're  south of the equator they're deflected left.

3. if you walk a certain distance and make three right angle you can successfully make a triangles with three 90 degree angles which is impossible on a flat surface.

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solute, solvent.

Solute is what is dissolved in the solvent. Since there is less oxygen and more nitrogen, the oxygen is the solute and the nitrogen the solvent. Solution is not included in the answer because the air is the solution (the combination of the solutes and solvent).
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Which particles make up the nucleus of an atom?


The particles that make up the nucleus of an atom are protons and neutrons.

The nucleus of an atom is composed of two main types of subatomic particles: protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive electric charge, while neutrons have no electric charge, making them neutral. These particles are relatively heavy compared to electrons, which orbit the nucleus.

The protons and neutrons are held together tightly in the nucleus by a strong force called the nuclear force or strong nuclear force. This force overcomes the repulsive force between positively charged protons, keeping the nucleus stable.

The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element's identity. For example, if an atom has one proton, it's hydrogen; if it has six protons, it's carbon, and so on. This number is called the atomic number. The sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus is called the mass number.

To know more about nucleus here


The nucleus of an atom contains the neutrons and protons, while electrons are on the outer shell.