
Answer 1


it means impossible , i’m pretty sure


Answer 2
Answer: it’s means impossible. if you ever have a question that you need to translate go to google translate. it helps a lot!

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Yes, they are. They are, for the most part, like ours besides the way they look. The whole purpose of them is to give milk.


Yes they are. Cows have nipples that are utters!


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Sprechen Sie Englisch? (frm)
Sprichst du Englisch? (inf)
= Do you speak english translation
sure, i can give you german lessons.

do you speak english? in german is :
Sprechen Sie Englisch?

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Im pretty sureIch bin vor dem Fernseher means watching televison.
Say: "Ich bin vor dem Fernseher"

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Have a great day!!

April 20, 1889-April 30th 1945 !!

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This is in the wrong section, but each mineral are different because they are made up of atoms and atoms are different from each other. Their differences come from the variability of atoms. 

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je mange is how you say i'm eating in german

je mange is german for im eating hope it helped yw :)