Okay! So if 50g of Lithium Bromide is mixed with 100g of water at 20 degrees Celsius a solution forms. If the water was heated to 70 degrees Celsius would the solution form faster, slower, or at the same rate and why?


Answer 1


The lithium bromide salt is a neutral salt that when reacted with water, it can dissolve and form a supersaturated, balanced or slightly saturated solution.

If we increase the temperature of said reaction, we promote the dissociation of the molecules, thus helping to dissolve, in this way the solution would form much faster than at 60 degrees Celsius.


As this chemical compound is a neutral salt, we mean that its pH is neutral.

Binary salts are combinations of 2 elements other than hydrogen and oxygen. The union of a metallic element with a non-metallic element forms a neutral salt, while the union of a non-metallic element with another non-metallic element forms a volatile salt.

The types of neutral salts that exist are: fluorides, chlorides, bromides, iodides, astatides, sulfides, tellurides, selenides, nitrides, phosphides, arsenides, antimonides, borides, carbides and silicides.

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Torque can be calculated by multiplying the force (N) applied at 90∘ to the lever arm at a distance (m) from the pivot point (point of rotation), the compound SI unit for the torque is N⋅m. If the force (at 90∘ to the lever arm) applied is 15 N and it is applied at 2.0 m from the pivot point (point of rotation), what is the torque on the lever?


If a lever has a constant force applied at 90∘ to the lever arm at a fixed distance from the pivot point (point of rotation), the torque on the lever is given by  Torque = force (at 90∘ to lever arm) × distance to pivot pointForce should be perpendicular to the lever arm
Therefore; you would do 15N X 2.0 m = 30 Nm or 30Joules

Final answer:

The torque on the lever, with a 15 N force applied perpendicular at 2.0 m from the pivot point, is 30 N·m.


The torque on a lever is calculated by the formula T = rF sin θ, where T is torque, r is the distance from the pivot point to the point where the force is applied (lever arm), F is the force applied, and θ is the angle between the lever arm and the direction of the force. In this case, the force is applied at 90° to the lever arm, so the sin θ part of the formula is equal to 1. Therefore, the torque can be calculated by multiplying the force by the lever arm distance. With a force of 15 N applied perpendicular to the lever arm at a distance of 2.0 m from the pivot point, the torque on the lever would be 30 N·m (15 N x 2.0 m).

Learn more about Calculating Torque here:



End-of-chapter questionsi Apart from saving money, why is it important to recycle as many substances as possible?2 A farmer uses slaked lime (Ca(oH),) and ammonium sulfate to increase the fertility of his fieldsa What type of soil might the farmer use lime on?b which essential element will ammonium sulfate add to the soil?c What reaction could take place between slaked lime and ammonium sulfate?Lime (Cao) is manufactured from limestone by heating it strongly.d What is the chemical formula oflimestone?48Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry


1. to save space as less goes to landfill
2. acidic soil as OH is alkali
3. nitrates (ammonia is nitrogen and hydrogen)
4. I don't know this one sorry
5. CaCO3 is limestone and when it is heated its called thermal decomposition

Which of the following is NOT a clue that a chemical change has occurred?a. change in color
b. production of a gas
c. formation of a precipitate
d. change in shape


change in shape is the answer because all chemical reactions only affect the chemical composition of the substance

Which is something that a PURE SUBSTANCE and a SOLUTION have in common?A) They both are made of one kind of particle.
B) They both are made of different kinds of particles.
C) They both look speckled or chunky.
D) They both look uniform (the same) throughout.


D) They both look uniform (the same) throughout.

Further explanation

Pure substance can be any element or compound and is formed from one type of atom/molecule only

Meanwhile, the solution is included in a mixture consisting of 2 or more pure substance

Pure substance can be formed through a chemical process while the mixture is through a physical process

Mixture can be separated by physical processes into components of pure substance while pure substance cannot

The mixture itself consists of a homogeneous and heterogeneous solution

The mixture can be divided into a homogeneous mixture if the composition/ratio of each substance in the mixture is the same and a heterogeneous mixture if the ratio of the composition of the substances is not the same (can be varied) in each place.

Mixtures can also be divided into solutions, suspensions, and colloids based mainly on the size of the particles

Homogeneous mixture = Solution

Heterogeneous mixture = suspension, and

The mixture is located between suspension and solution = Colloid

What is the process that is responsible for the effect that the salt water has on plants?


because its like a human taking to much soda in it doesnt like it and starts to damage our livers...so salt water is the same with a plant.....:)