What are two common leisure activities in the Spanish-speaking world? A. ver una pelicula y hablar con amigos. B. ir al parque y comer ensalada. C. estar en casa y beber batidos. D. Corpus Christi y visitar Coyoacan


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer is: 

A. V
er una pelicula y hablar con amigos. 

Spanish speakers are very friendly. They love to hang out time with friends and also love watching movies. People always meet on weekends. For example, I am a Spanish speaker and love to go to the cinema with my friends. We spend a lot of time talking about different subjects. We meet every weekend at someone's house and watch a movie on TV. Everyone gets something to eat and drink, like food, snacks, soda, etc. It is amazing to live our lives with friends. They are our support in everyday life. In the Spanish-speaking world is important to make good friends, so it is quite likely that those friends will go with you until the end of your life.
Answer 2
Answer: Two common leisure activities in the Spanish-speaking world are "ver una pelicula y hablar con amigos". the translation is: Watch a movie and talk to friends. The answer to your question is A. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.

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Please check my spanish homework?? 1. Which best desribes El Salvador?

A: small, mountainous
B: small, Caribbean coastline
C: large European population <------------------------- (My Answer)
D: largest of the Central American countries

2. Which of these is found in a shopping mall?

A: Centro Commercial Galerias <-------------------- (My Answer)
B: Cuzcatlan
C: La Casona
D: El Salvador del Mundo


1. Which best describes El Salvador?
A: Small, mountainous

2. Which of these is found in a shopping mall?
C. La Casona

The  first question--you picked C. While 86% of the Salvadorean population is from European descent, this is unlike saying that the country has the largest Europen population.

The second question--you picked the actual shopping mall, and not the  place found in the shopping mall. La Casona is located in Centro Comercial Galerias.
El Salvador is B on the first question. As well, for the second question, there is a shopping mall found in D, El Salvador dem Mundo.

Venezuela1. En las costas de Venezuela hay muchos ______.2. Uno de ellos es el _____ que fue construido en 1766.3. La ___ es un destino turistico muy importanto.4. ___ es la capital comercial de esta isla5. Una de las zonas montañosas de Venezuela mas importantes es el ___.6. En el Parque Nacional Canaima hay treinta y ocho grandes ___.7. Tepuy significa ___ en la lengua de los indigenas piaroa de la region8. El ___, la catarata más alta del mundo, está en Auyantepuy.



En las costas de Venezuela hay muchos castillos y fuertes. All of them were build with military purposes.

Uno de ellos es el Fortín Solano que fue construido en 1766, which is a military fortress. Don José Solano y Bote ordered its construction, it's located in Carabobo State, its function was to protect the city from naval attacks, and the mercantilistic activity towards the sea.

La Isla de Margarita es un destino turístico muy importante. This is the most famous turistic destinations in Venezuela, an island surrounded by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Porlamar es la capital comercial de esta isla, la Isla de Margarita. In Porlamar is the principal economy center and its the urban center of the island.

En el Parque Nacional Canaima hay treinta y ocho grandes tepuyes, which are especially steep plateaus, it's a weird but amazing geologic formation.

Tepuy significa montaña o morada de los dioses en la lengua de los indígenas piaroa de la región.

El Salto Angel, la catarata más alta del mundo, esta en Auyantepuy, this name from indigenous languages means "the devil's mountain", "la montaña del diablo". This tepuy located in Bolivar State, inside the Canaima National Park.

What subject pronoun would you use in spanish when you are talking about henry and elena?


"ellos/ellas/Uds"  = They
Ellos is for a group of boys or one boy and one girl or a group and a boy is present. 
Ellas is a group or couple of girls.
Uds.  is formal. 

Hope this helps. :)
Ellos/ellas which means they

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- ellos están pescando (present)

- ellos pescaron el jueves (past)
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