Fill in the blanks1. Clara ____ de Paraguay.
a. soy. b. es. c. está. d. estamos
2. ¿___ tú en Asunción?
a. estás. b. eres. c. sois. d. están
3. Nosotros ____ altos. a. son. b. estamos. c. somos. d. estáis

4. Ellos _____ cansados. a. están. b. son. c. estáisy. d. eres


Answer 1

1. Correct answer:

b. es

One of the main uses of the verb ser is to talk about the origin of a person or thing. In this sentence, we affirm that Clara is from Paraguay. Therefore, es is the conjugation of the verb ser that matches the third person singular in the simple present. This is so because we can replace Clara by ella. Finally:

Clara es de Paraguay

2. Correct answer:

a. estás

Here in this sentence, we use the verb estar as location because here I'm asking if you are in a certain place (Asunción). So estás is the conjugation of the verb estar for the second person singular in the simple present. This person is tú, which is the formal form of the English subject pronoun you. Finally:

¿Estás tú en Asunción?

3. Correct answer:

c. somos

Somos comes from the verb ser and is the conjugation of this verb for the first person plural in the simple present. This person is nosotros that translates into we in English. So we use the verb ser here because we are talking about a physical description of a person. Finally:

Nosotros somos altos

4. Correct answer:

a. están.

This sentence stands for an emotion, that is, it expresses what a person (or people) is feeling at a certain moment, so we must use the verb estar. So the pronoun here is ellos that translates into they in English. In this way, están is the conjugation of the verb estar for the third person plural in the simple present. Finally:

Ellos están cansados

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Is this correct? hablar mas despacio, por favor
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¿Comerías la comida tradicional de Nicaragua? (sí)

Which thirteenth-century author used reason and logic to explain Christian beliefs? A. Charlemagne B. Thomas Aquinas C. Benedict of Nursia D. Urban II


I think the answer is B.


the other person is right its b


1. Which one of the following is not a person? A. Un servidor B. Un rey C. Una reina D. Un arbol 2. Which of the following is the best response to "¿Cómo se siente?" A. Me siento bien. B. ¡Gracias! C. Hasta luego. D. Mañana volveré. 3. Choose the correct definition for bosque. A. shrubbery B. tree C. forest D. stream 4. Translate the phrase: Who likes to sing? A. ¿Les gusta cantar? B. ¿Le gustaba llorar? C. ¿A quién le gusta cantar? D. ¿A quién no le gusta cantar? 5. Which one of the following items can you not eat or drink? A. Un lápiz B. Los dulces C. Una manzana D. Una limonada 6. Choose the correct definition for drum. A. gato B. duque C. perro D. tambor 7. Choose the correct definition for dulce. A. bear B. sweet C. sour D. honey 8. Choose the correct Spanish translation for: To sing pleases him. A. Les gusta la reina B. Le gusta cantar C. Le gusta llorar D. Le gustaba cantar 9. Choose the correct translation of this Spanish phrase: La reina canta mejor que el rey. A. The queen sings better than the king. B. The queen sings worse than the king. C. The king sings better than the queen. D. The king sings worse than the queen. 10. Which of the following choices is not an option to complete this sentence? The friend goes to the _______ and buys a kilo of candies. A. mercado B. comedor C. vendedor D. entonces 11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals A. seis. B. dos. C. cuatro. D. tres. 12. You're going to leave, but you're coming back tomorrow. What would you say? A. Ven conmigo mañana. B. Me siento muy bien. C. Pues todo anda bien. D. Mañana volveré. 13. Quince divided by cinco = _______. A. siete B. tres C. trece D. nueve 14. Translate this sentence into Spanish: "He likes to sing." A. Les gusta cantar. B. Le gusta cantar. C. Le gusta tocar. D. Le gusta llorar. 15. Choose the best word to complete this sentence. Maria _______ al mercado. A. dulce B. otra C. prueba D. compra 16. Translate this Spanish phrase into English: El toca peor que la reina. A. He sings better than the queen. B. He plays worse than the queen. C. He plays better than the queen. D. He sings worse than the queen. 17. Choose the correct English translation of this Spanish phrase: No le gusta llorar. A. She likes to sing. B. She likes to cry. C. They do not like to cry. D. She does not like to cry. 18. Choose the correct definition for dieciocho. A. 19 B. 16 C. 28 D. 18 19. Trece – siete = _______. A. cinco B. once C. dos End of exam D. seis 20. Which of the following is a person? A. servidor B. nariz C. chimenea D. árbol


1- D
2- A
3- C
4- C
5- A
6- D
7- B
8- B
9- A
10- D
11- ?
12- D
13- B
14- B
15- D
16- B
17- D
18- D
19- D
20- A
there u go hope it helps :D

(the only answer not added by the person above)

11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals

B. dos.

How do you say "We used to play tennis" in spanish?a: Jugabamos al tenis.
b: Jugamos al tenis.
c: Jugaban al tenis.
d: Juegan al tenis.

Which word belongs in the blank?

____compro el libro a Ana

a: La
b: Le
c: Lo
d: Ella


1. Correct answer:

a. Jugábamos al tenis.

This sentence stands for the imperfect tense. In general, the imperfect is used to talk about past actions, conditions, or events that occurred regularly or frequently or that were in progress in a moment in the past. So Jugábamos is the conjugation of the verb jugar that matches the first person plural (nosotros) in the imperfect.  So we used to play tennis in the past.  

2. Correct answer:

b. Le

Le is the indirect object pronoun that matches the third person singular. An Indirect Object Pronoun is a person that receives the action of a verb indirectly. Its purpose is to tell you to whom or for whom something is done. So Ana receives the action of the verb to buy (comprar) here, so this action is being performed for her. Finally:

Le compró el libro a Ana

number one is a.

number2 is a

EmparejarMultiple choice Activity Textbook InstructionsSelect the answer that best completes each sentence based on the Flash cultura video. February 21 11:59 PM unlimited attempts remaining Grade settings External referencesVideo 73 Questions 1. Los estudiantes de la UNAM no viven (live) una universidad muy grande. 74 carreras de estudio. en residencias estudiantiles. la ciudad más grande (biggest) de Latinoamérica. 2. México, D.F. es una universidad muy grande. 74 carreras de estudio. en residencias estudiantiles. la ciudad más grande (biggest) de Latinoamérica. 3. La UNAM es una universidad muy grande. 74 carreras de estudio. en residencias estudiantiles. la ciudad más grande (biggest) de Latinoamérica. 4. La UNAM ofrece una universidad muy grande. 74 carreras de estudio. en residencias estudiantiles. la ciudad más grande (biggest) de Latinoamérica.



  • Translated from Spanish language:

" Match Multiple answer Activity Textbook Instructions Select the answer that best completes each sentence based on the Flash culture video. February 21 11:59 PM unlimited attempts remaining Grade settings External references Video 73 Questions 1. UNAM students do not live (live) a very large university. 74 study races. in student residences. the biggest city in Latin America. 2. Mexico, D.F. It is a very large university. 74 study races. in student residences. the biggest city in Latin America. 3. UNAM is a very large university. 74 study races. in student residences. the biggest city in Latin America. 4. UNAM offers a very large university. 74 study races. in student residences. the biggest city in Latin America."

Venezuela1. En las costas de Venezuela hay muchos ______.2. Uno de ellos es el _____ que fue construido en 1766.3. La ___ es un destino turistico muy importanto.4. ___ es la capital comercial de esta isla5. Una de las zonas montañosas de Venezuela mas importantes es el ___.6. En el Parque Nacional Canaima hay treinta y ocho grandes ___.7. Tepuy significa ___ en la lengua de los indigenas piaroa de la region8. El ___, la catarata más alta del mundo, está en Auyantepuy.



En las costas de Venezuela hay muchos castillos y fuertes. All of them were build with military purposes.

Uno de ellos es el Fortín Solano que fue construido en 1766, which is a military fortress. Don José Solano y Bote ordered its construction, it's located in Carabobo State, its function was to protect the city from naval attacks, and the mercantilistic activity towards the sea.

La Isla de Margarita es un destino turístico muy importante. This is the most famous turistic destinations in Venezuela, an island surrounded by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Porlamar es la capital comercial de esta isla, la Isla de Margarita. In Porlamar is the principal economy center and its the urban center of the island.

En el Parque Nacional Canaima hay treinta y ocho grandes tepuyes, which are especially steep plateaus, it's a weird but amazing geologic formation.

Tepuy significa montaña o morada de los dioses en la lengua de los indígenas piaroa de la región.

El Salto Angel, la catarata más alta del mundo, esta en Auyantepuy, this name from indigenous languages means "the devil's mountain", "la montaña del diablo". This tepuy located in Bolivar State, inside the Canaima National Park.

Plz help fast!!!!!!!!


Lo voy a facturar, los puedo leer
D:lo voy a facturar , D:los puedo leer