The Electoral College elects the?
chief justice


Answer 1

The Electoral College elects the President.

The Electoral College is the body of elected representatives charged with electing the President and Vice President of the United States. Since 1964 the Electoral College has 538 electors. The Electoral College of each state issues its vote on the first Monday following the second Wednesday of December, and the two chambers of Congress officially count and verify the final results the first week of January. The Electoral College is an example of indirect election.

Answer 2




The Electoral College is the body that elects the President and Vice President of the United States.the body consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the President. Candidates running for President in any state has his or her own group of electors who are chosen by the candidate’s political party. The state's laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are.  

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The writers is known as John Locke.

Final answer:

John Locke, an Enlightenment writer, actively opposed political absolutism, advocating instead for limited governmental power through the separation of powers.


One key Enlightenment writer who opposed political absolutism was John Locke. Locke was a proponent of liberalism and believed in the separation of powers. He argued that the power of a ruler or government should be limited to prevent the abuse of power. This notion radically opposed the idea of absolutism, a political theory where a single ruler has total authority and is not restricted by laws or a constitution.

Learn more about Enlightenment opposition to absolutism here:


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b. greeted with enthusiasm and gratitude in South America.
c. universally acclaimed in Britain as a great act of statesmanship.
d. welcomed with relief by European powers who feared British power in the Western Hemisphere.
e. opposed by both the Whigs and the Democratic-Republicans.



the answer is A

bc incapable of being enforced by the United States

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